
maximum benefit中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Strategic risk management is based on the financial and competitive advantages , including the enterprise strategy and risk management , the purpose is to lower risk , to gain maximum benefit through exploring risk forward
  • Before using citibank online , it is important that you know your rights and obligations so that you can gain maximum benefit from the services citibank online offers and have at the same time maximum protection for your banking transactions
  • Although most server administrators can benefit from reading this guide , it is designed to produce maximum benefits for administrators responsible for exchange messaging , both at the mailbox and architect levels
    具体地说,本指南中的许多步骤都直接与windows server 2003 security guide中推荐的安全措施相关。因此,在执行本指南中陈述的过程之前,建议您先阅读windows server 2003 security guide 。
  • We also believe that being a lawyer as a consultant should help clients to avoid risks to obtain maximum benefits by discovering , evaluating and designing relevant legal affairs . it has been understood the business market is complex
  • Thus , paying taxes according to law and making use of the taxation lever actively to achieve maximum benefit have become the basic point and the standard of conducting financial transactions . tax planning is becoming a popular topic in economic life
  • The emphasis of rationalism is rule - based semantic analysis , and it attempts to find an absolutely effective solution to problems . but the empiricism depends upon the language facts that already exist and achieves the maximum benefit through statistical methods
  • By much logistics information we can integrate resources , set up clcip to provide sustentation for the development of the logistics industry , change the situation that the information resources are single and scarce in current logistics system and get the maximum benefits from the logistics system
  • However , in considering the financing arrangement for new railway projects , the government will consider whether financial assistance should be provided having regard to the circumstances of individual cases , so as to ensure that maximum benefits for the public will be achieved from railway development
  • So it must select suitable industry to invest or withdraw its capital according to the basic orientation of the national industry policy in order to incarnate the intention of government " s control . on the other hand , as a market investor with independent accounting , self - management , assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses , the company must base itself upon the market , establish consciousness of competition , rely on market measures so as to pursue the maximum benefit of capital
  • The characteristics of agricultural production decide the external economic effects , that is to say , agriculture has such ecological functions as offering favorable environment for human being , preserving traditional folk culture , storing species gene , protecting and culturing environment , supplying people with travelling and entertainment . favourable natural resources and environment should be maintained to ensure the stable productivity of nature and the long - term e conomic benefits when the maximum benefits are to be sought for
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