
machu picchu中文是什么意思

  • 玛丘匹克丘〔秘鲁中南部古印坎城遗迹〕(= Machupicchu)。



  • 例句与用法
  • When you visit peru , see the city for yourself . enjoy the magnificent surrounding , and create your own answers to the mysteries of machu picchu
  • Buses and high - speed trains take visitors to a town on the urubamba river from where they can hike or take a local bus up to machu picchu
  • The more accurate translation relates , however , to the concept of size , with machu picchu as the “ bigger peak ” and huayna picchu , the “ smaller peak ”
    不过,更加准确的翻译和面积的大小相联,马丘比丘就是“大山头” ,而瓦依纳比丘就是“小山头” 。
  • At the top of a ridge deep in the mountains of peru lies the spectacular archaeological site left behind by the incas : machu picchu , the " lost city .
  • The university has argued it is the legal owner of the artifacts and allows thousands of people to view them every year , inspiring many to visit machu picchu
  • Machu picchu , the fabled peruvian archaeological site , is open year round , but during the month of february , the inca trail , the traditional route to reach the ruins , is closed
  • Peru was seeking to retrieve the artifacts now because it aimed to put them on public display in 2011 for the centenary of machu picchu ' s rediscovery by u . s . explorer hiram bingham
  • Peru was seeking to retrieve the artifacts now because it aimed to put them on public display in 2011 for the centenary of machu picchu ' s rediscovery by u . s . explorer hiram bingham
  • The other five are petra in jordan , peru ' s machu picchu , the mountain settlement that symbolises the incan empire , mexico ' s mayan ruins at chichen itza , the colosseum in rome and the taj mahal in india
  • The other five are petra in jordan , peru ' s machu picchu , the mountain settlement that symbolises the incan empire , mexico ' s mayan ruins at chichen itza , the colosseum in rome and the taj mahal in india
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 百科解释
Machu Picchu (, , "Old Peak") is a 15th-century Inca site located above sea level.UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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