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  • 例句与用法
  • The results showed that the fine structure of the photoreceptor , the diameter of rhabdom , the dimension of perirhabdom vacuole , the number of pinocytotic vesicle below the microsvilli , the location of pigment granules , the emergence of lamellar bodies and lysosomes in cytoplasm , were different in light and dark adaptation
  • [ note : in neurodegeneration the main aggregates tend to form in other parts of the cell than the lysosome , but there is good evidence that this is a compensatory measure when neurons ' lysosomes stop working properly as a result of the more modest accumulation of lysosomal toxins , so if we fix the lysosome then the non - lysosomal aggregates should disappear naturally
  • The number of mitochondrion is more less than the endoplasmic reticulum , and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the main kind of the endoplasmic reticulum ; golgi bodies and lysosomes emerge in the secondary spermatocyte stage . finally , these organelles change into pre - acrosome vesicles which become acrosome at last . sinopotamon chekiangense during the spermatogenensis , chronmatins condense at different level until middle spermatid stage
  • The main mechanisms of earthworms ' resistance to metal pollutants are also elaborated : ( 1 ) its lipid antioxidative enzyme system helps relieve the stress of oxidation ; ( 2 ) compartment and immobilization of metals ; ( 3 ) process of chelating and detoxicification ; ( 4 ) lysosome and cellular plasmid are activated to restrain activity of heavy metals
    并阐述了蚯蚓对重金属的主要耐性机制: ( 1 )脂质过氧化保护酶系统缓解氧化胁迫; ( 2 )分隔、固定作用; ( 3 )螯合解毒作用; ( 4 )溶酶体和细胞质粒抑制重金属活性。
  • Mitochondria and ribosomes are hard to see , and the ribosome are found to adhere on the surface of endoplasmic reticulum ; golgi body and lysosome do not exist , membranous ring emerges at the secondary spermatocyte stage . the organelles change into pre - acrosome vesicles at middle spermatid stage , and finally pre - acrosome forms acrosome . 2
  • We used four different wavelength light including red light ( 750nm ) , yellow light ( 580nm ) , green light ( 560nm ) , blue light ( 400nm ) to stimulate four different groups compound eyes . then the ultrastructures of the compound eyes of each group were observed under electron microscope . the results showed the fine structure of the photoreceptor , the diameter of rhabdom , the dimension of perirhabdom vacuole , the number of pinocytotic vesicle below the microsvilli , the location of pigment granules , the emergence of lamellar bodies and lysosomes in cytoplasm , were different in different light adaptation
    二、不同光照条件下复眼超微结构的变化三疣梭子蟹经过12h暗适应后,在不同波长的红光( 750nm ) ,黄光( 580nm ) ,绿光( 560nm ) ,蓝光( 400nm )照射下,其光感受器的小网膜细胞和感杆束的形态和超微结构呈现较大的区别,感杆束的形态、细胞内的胞器随不同波长光的适应而发生变化,在红光下感杆束直径最大,微绒毛排列整齐,在蓝光下感杆束直径最小,微绒毛最凌乱。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)

  • 百科解释
Lysosomes are cellular organelles that contain acid hydrolase enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris. They can be described as the stomach of the cell.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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