
long-term solution中文是什么意思

  • 长期的解决办法



  • 例句与用法
  • He added that bond issuance would help hong kong to develop its bond market , which would be a good thing , but that this measure was not a long - term solution to hong kong s deficit problem
  • Acting creatively to find immediate and long - term solutions as we do our work competently , ethically , objectively and fairly for the people we serve effective and efficient
  • Good progress has been made by a working group formed by the financial services bureau and we expect specific measures , covering both short - term and long - term solutions , to be announced soon
  • If sending the army into the tribal areas has failed , and if goading one bunch of islamists into slaughtering another is hardly a long - term solution , what should pakistan do
  • But he says nuclear power is not a long - term solution for china ' s energy needs because the world ' s uranium stores are limited and it is difficult to properly dispose of nuclear waste
  • The kcrc has been discussing with the mainland authorities for the early replacement of diesel locomotives with electric ones as the long - term solution to the impact of emissions from diesel - powered through trains
  • Making cars more fuel - efficient , and eating less meat would help but the only long - term solution is to enable poor countries - and especially their poorest people - to grow more food
  • We have to seek a long - term solution through asian monetary co - operation , or continue to be vulnerable to financial instability and defend ourselves through ad hoc retreats from financial openness
  • Children who are victims of war , living on the streets , children with disabilities and no education need more than bread , blankets and medicine . they need a long - term solution to break out of the cycle of poverty
  • Before mapping out the implementation details , we would like to ascertain if the community is in general agreement that integrating proper maintenance and management should be the long - term solution to the building neglect problem
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • long-term solutionとは意味:長期的な解決法 A creative approach, but hardly a long-term solution. But it does- it's not a long-term solution. Now that's the long-term solution. Officials are searching for long-term solutions.
  • 推荐英语阅读
long-term solution的中文翻译,long-term solution是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译long-term solution,long-term solution的中文意思,long-term solution的中文long-term solution in Chineselong-term solution的中文long-term solution怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
