
long flight中文是什么意思

  • 长途飞行



  • 例句与用法
  • In addition , these selected project sites are very important in the flyway as they provide key stopovers for the migratory birds during their long flights
  • Following a long flight and a refueling stop in moscow , where he will meet briefly with russian president , vladimir putin , president bush , will arrive thursday in singapore
  • A condition affecting the body ' s circadian clock , similar to jet lag , but instead stemming from altering one ' s sleep hours over a weekend of hard partying and drinking rather than from a long flight
    一种影响生物钟的状态,类似与"时差" ,却与"时差"概念相去甚远,特指在周末一夜狂欢后, "大补"瞌睡以后以调整工作日不打瞌睡的状态
  • Somebody who wants to reduce his “ carbon footprint ” can bicycle to work , never buy aerosols and turn off his air - conditioner ? and still blow away all this virtue on a couple of long flights
  • My mother , my sister and i boarded the plane together to go to australia . that was the first time that all three of us traveled together on such a long flight and for a meditation retreat as well
  • Many chances to win : cash prizes for the top six in the general category ; for the top six dhv2 gliders ; for the first 6 dhv1 or 1 - 2 gliders ; as well as prizes for the longest flight in each category
    赢得的许多机会:为顶的现金奖金六在一般范畴;为顶六架dhv2滑翔机;为开始的6架dhv1或1 - 2滑翔机;象为在每个范畴的最长的飞行的奖金一样。
  • With increasing concern about the potential health risks of long flights in cramped conditions , the aim was to make a much more spacious cabin with room for passengers to move around during the flight
  • The research team suggested in future scientists should try to determine if the loss of bone density was only on weight - bearing bones on longer flights , also the possible recovery after returning to earth
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