
in step with中文是什么意思

  • 与-----合步调,与-----一致
  • 与...合步调,与...步调一致



  • 例句与用法
  • How could an ordinary person like me start an english education organization that is totally in step with north america and on track with the rest of the world
  • The relocation is in step with eys mid - term plan to expand further into china taking advantage of the lower barriers to entry from cepa
  • Falling in step with monsieur renaud , the moon busting through the greasy sky like a punctured balloon , i fell immediately into the realm of the transcendental
  • Gaoqing has built the world first class program - controlled exchange net , data communication net , digital transmit net and reached the aim to share information resources in step with the world
  • Protein and nucleic acid in yeast cells were degraded , then the product was refined into nutritional seasoning , which was in step with current tide of nutrition and nature
  • Go ! and led the children in a dance . upon hearing the song , the children quieted down immediately and danced in step with the music . for this , we can only express our sincere thanks to master for her care
  • In the future , to insure our leading position in the industry , we will strive to broaden the horizon of the current business and keep in step with the world trend , so as to reach our services to people worldwide
  • This paper has generalized the way and the procedure which the schedule and cost integrated management was implemented in the jiuhuang airfield and which embody integrated scheme , in step with implement , integrated control
    基于这样的认识, “九黄”机场项目管理团队运用现代项目管理方式,对该机场施工项目的进度与费用实施了联合管理。
  • The team first mapped the timing of species disappearances against changes in sea - surface and air temperature over the past few decades , and found that the frogs are disappearing almost exactly in step with climate change
  • We have enacted the broadcasting ordinance to put the broadcasting regulatory regime in step with the convergence of technology , and the domestic pay television market has been liberalised to enhance competition and to provide more choices to viewers
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • in step withとは意味:{1} : ~と歩調を合わせて[そろえて]、~とともに、~に一致して、~と調和して Tuition on credit has grown in step with people's increasing use of plastic. クレジットカードの使用者の増加とともに、クジットカードによる授業料の支払いも増えてきている。 ----------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
in step with的中文翻译,in step with是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译in step with,in step with的中文意思,in step with的中文in step with in Chinesein step with的中文in step with怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
