It is no coincidence that haggling is possible in small shops , but harder in chain stores 所以,这对小商家可能有利而对于大的连销店就不是那么有利也就不足为奇了。
Their kinfolk have been forced out of their homelands repeatedly , sometimes dragged away in chains 他们的亲属三番五次的被逐离故乡,有几次甚至是被枷锁捆着带走的。
You seen em , maybe , hanged in chains , birds about em , seam p inting em out as they go down with the tide 你们也许见识过:戴着锁链的犯人绞死在半空中,大鸟绕着尸体飞。
But , so far , in chain ' s telecom industry , " there are several nets , but there is no ( perfect ) 但是,到目前中国电信业仍然是“数网并存,而不(充分)竞争”的格局。
The reform and orientation of oilfield materials management - an exploration in chain supply pattern as exemplified by shengli oilfield 以胜利油田为例对连锁供应模式的探讨
I will discuss the rules in detail shortly as well as how to build these rules and group them in chains 我马上会详细讨论这些规则以及如何建立这些规则并将它们分组在链中。
Conidia are cut off externally in chains at the apex of a specialized hypha , the conidiophore 分生孢子是由分生孢子囊梗的顶端或侧面产生的一种不动孢子,借气流或动物传播的。
" st . paul was in chains , in prison , and in those chains he wrote to the church in philippi , " rejoice , rejoice in the lord always 圣保罗被囚在狱中时,给腓立比教会写的信,说:要在主里常常喜乐。
The former preach christ out of selfish ambition , not sincerely , supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while i am in chains 17那一等传基督是出于结党,并不诚实,意思要加增我捆锁的苦楚。
And pray for us , too , that god may open a door for our message , so that we may proclaim the mystery of christ , for which i am in chains 3也要为我们祷告,求神给我们开传道的门,能以讲基督的奥秘, (我为此被捆锁) 。