

  • adj.
    难攻破的;坚固的,坚定的。 an impregnable argument 毫无破绽的议论。 an impregnable belief 坚定不移的信念。 an impregnable bulwark 坚不可摧的堡垒。 impregnable virtue 坚贞不屈的情操。
    -bly ,-bility , -ness n.



  • 例句与用法
  • 1 ) sale force : publishing first , covering every where . 2 ) exp anding force : expanding space of page and breaking boundary , keeping abreast of the times . 3 ) cohesive force : all people have a common will , being impregnable . 4 ) science and technology force : in information time s , net is the king . 5 ) economic force : ad management , developing actual strength . 6 ) trademark force : serving society , pulling economy develop ment . 7 ) extending force : calling center . information is the key . 8 ) revolu tionary force . - succeeding while changing , never be old . yangzi evenin g competence ' s motive structure includings : l ) basic structure ( system la yer ) : " three no " strategy - the essence of yangzi ' s conti nuous develop ment . 2 ) basic structure ( spirit layer ) : contribution and being pragmatic - telling the secret of " yangzi spirit " . 3 ) core structure ( principle layer ) : o penning up the attrative economy ? he center of yangzi ' s development
    笔者剖析了扬子晚报的竞争力来源,认为它由8个核心部分构成:来源1 :营销力? ?发行为先,网点密布;来源2 :扩张力? ?扩版破界,与时俱进;来源3 :凝聚力? ?众志成城,无坚不摧;来源4 :科技力? ?信息时代,网络为王;来源5 :经济力? ?广告经营,拓展实力;来源6 :品牌力? ?服务社会,拉动经济;来源7 :延展力一一呼叫中心,信息为王;来源8 :变革力一一变中求胜,青春不老。
  • Jinshanling section of the great wall forms an impregnable and distinctive defense system by conterminous passes and watchtowers , layer upon layer of walls , and interlacing zones of fire , where such military facilities as warehouse towers , jinshan towers and single - side walls are typical along the great wall
  • Simultaneously also causes each enterprises and institutions prompt understanding government related each policy appearing and the current event tendency , which preferential policy does the government have and the support to the enterprise , is the enterprise is in an impregnable position in the global new economy drive market competition , is the enterprise is in an impregnable position in the global new economy drive market competition , is the enterprise creates the economic efficiency and the social efficiency gets up the promoter action
  • To be being changeable , big wave clean out the market economic sea of sand in , is in an impregnable position , enterprise only passes through the unceasing ability that strengthens self , comes , especially crucialness key ability and through the reinforced combination of these abilities to form the key competition ability of enterprise , so makes enterprise get continued competitive advantage
  • It is the strength symbol of each organization and the key aspect which gives us the impregnable position in the market competition ; it is the essence core competitive power for the team . along with the time passed , the human resources management is more important in gaining the competitive advantage . for tax affairs system , the tax management presents multi - information management , multi - technology management process , management character flexibility , management cost availability , and tendency of making international management regulations
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 英文解释
  • incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted; "an impregnable argument"; "impregnable self-confidence"

  • capable of conceiving

  • immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection"
    同义词:inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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