He expressed once , and but once in my hearing , a strong sense of the rugged charm of the hills , and an inborn affection for the dark roof and hoary walls he called his home ; but there was more of gloom than pleasure in the tone and words in which the sentiment was manifested ; and never did he seem to roam the moors for the sake of their soothing silence - never seek out or dwell upon the thousand peaceful delights they could yield 我听到过一次,也只有次,他表示自己被崎岖的小山深深地迷住了,同时对被他称之为自己家的黑色屋顶和灰白的墙壁,怀着一种眷恋之情。但是在表达这种情感的音调和语言中,隐含的忧郁甚于愉快。而且他从来没有因为要感受一下荒原舒心的字静而漫步其中,一从来没有去发现或谈及荒原给人千百种平静的乐趣。
I was yet enjoying the calm prospect and pleasant fresh air , yet listening with delight to the cawing of the rooks , yet surveying the wide , hoary front of the hall , and thinking what a great place it was for one lonely little dame like mrs . fairfax to inhabit , when that lady appeared at the door 我欣赏着这番宁静的景象和诱人的新鲜空气,愉快地倾听着白嘴鸦的呱呱叫声,细细打量着这所庄园宽阔灰白的正面,心里琢磨着,偌大一个地方,居然只住着像费尔法犯斯太太这样一位孤单矮小的贵妇人。就在这时,这位妇人出现在门边了。
hoaryとは意味:hoary adj. 白髪の, 古い; 《口語》 陳腐な. 【副詞】 ◆His excuse on that occasion was rather hoary. その折の彼の言い訳はいささか陳腐なものだった. 【+前置詞】 ◆a man hoary with age 年老いて白髪になった男性.