
garbage in中文是什么意思

  • 无用输入
  • 无用数据输入



  • 例句与用法
  • Therefore , you should meditate in the morning , and at night , when you come home , if there s some leftover garbage in your pocket from outside , meditate to cleanse it out
  • The effect of antifatigue is very obvious . and it also has the effect of superoxide dismutase that can eliminate the garbage in human body blood fat , poison and heavy metal
  • No common topics life itself has provided a lot to chat about the weather , one ' s children or car , the european football championship , garbage in the neighbourhood , vegetables " prices , the mail delivery time
  • The memory window is not limited to displaying data , however . by definition , the memory window displays everything in the memory space , whether it is data , code , or random bits of garbage in unassigned memory
    但是, “内存”窗口不仅限于显示数据,按照定义“内存”窗口可以显示内存空间中的任何内容,无论它是数据、代码或是未分配内存中的无用随机位。
  • Paper brief introduce the situation of garbage in beijing and remote sensing , mainly introduce how the aerial remote sensing was used to investigate and analyse the situation about the garbage in beijing and it ' s advantage , given the sign of garbage in aerial remote sensing picture clearly
  • Sizing is a " garbage in , garbage out " activity , so be sure to put your best effort forward on this task so that toward the end of your project , so you don t suddenly realize that the machines are undersized and you need to go back to management for more money
  • In current world , the requirement of enterprise informationization is much more immient , in which an important aspect is management of enterprise data . based upon the principle of " garbage in , garbage out " , data managed demand reliable , no mistake and truly reflecting actual enterprise situation for supporting to make right decision . therefore management of data quality acquires increasing attention
    在当今世界,企业信息化的要求越来越迫切,其中一个重要的的方面就是企业的数据的管理,根据“进去的是垃圾,出来的也是垃圾、 ( garbagein , garbageout ) ”这条原理,为了支持正确决策,就要求所管理的数据可靠,没有错误,能准确地反映企业的实际情况,因此企业数据质量的管理正在获得越来越多的关注。
  • This practice is similar to the use of explicit nulling to help the garbage collector , which regular readers know that i do not recommend in general , but in this case the cost of maintaining garbage in a session is so much higher because of replication that it is worth trying to help the container in this way
    (这种做法类似于使用显式nulling以帮助垃圾收集器,老读者知道我一般不建议这样做,但是在这种情况下,因为有复制,在会话中保持垃圾的成本要高得多,因此值得以这种方式帮助容器。 )
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