We are attempting to allocate the available resources in the most effective way for a given forecast of demand . 我们力图最有效地运用现在资源来满足一定的预计的需求。
For long-term climatic forecasting the attention in numerical modelling should be directed towards the ocean . 对于长期气候预报来说,数值模式化的注意力主要应针对海洋。
When we hear weather forecast of a seventy percent chance of rain, we change our plans from a picnic to a pool game . 当我们听到预报有70的降水概率时,就改变去野餐的计划,而去打台球。
In economics, forecasting is the attempt to formalize the implicit estimate of the future on which decisions have to be based . 在经济学中,预测是对未来做出某种暗示性的估计,做为决策的依据。
When feedback from various operating units arrives, any forecast should be reviewed in the light of changing circumstances . 任何预测必须在各业务单位的情况反馈回来后,根据环境的变化重新考虑。
I composed verses, feeble lines which perhaps showed my early love for words but certainly forecast no poetical future . 我写诗,寥寥几行,这也许表现出我早年喜欢舞文弄墨的习惯,但是,肯定没有作诗的前途。
These vagaries of u.s. agriculture illustrate its dynamic, unstable nature and confirm the hazards of forecasting its future . 美国农业的这些预想说明了它的动态的、不稳定的本性,并证明了其未来预测的偶然性。
There's something else that's worth watching the latest news flashes and weather forecasts in moving letters running around the times building . 还有值得看的呢--在时报大楼周围有最近消息的闪光灯和活动字母的天气预报。
Econometric model gives us a superior way of organizing and systematizing the forecasting process to derive a logical conclusion . 经济计量模型给我们提供了一个把预测过程条理化,系统化的优越方法并从而得出合乎逻辑的结论。
This mass line in earthquake forecasting not only cuts losses in life and property but also provides data for new progress in seismology . 地震预报走群众路线不仅减少了人民生命财产的损失,而且也为地震学的新发展提供了资料。
Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future date.