
for account of中文是什么意思

  • 缴款单位,以…为付款人
  • 在某人帐上
  • 在帐上



  • 例句与用法
  • All banking charges except lc transferring charges are for the account of third beneficiary . our handing charges based on the amount of third beneficiary ' s invoice are for account of third beneficiary
  • Presentation of documents which exceeds the credit amount of this credit is subject to final acceptance of applicant and dc issuing bank , in which case , dc overdrawn commission are for account of beneficiary
  • If payment is required in the currency of this credit , commission in lieu of exchange at 1 / 4 pct on bill amount ( min . hkd350 . 00 equialent ) are for account of beneficiary and will be deducted from the proceeds at the time of reimbursement / payment
    如果以现金方式付款(忘了,不知是不是这种付款方式) ,兑换手续费为单据的金额的0 . 25 % (最少相当于350港元) ,由受益人支付.在付款扣除
  • If payment is required in the currency of this credit , commission in lieu of exchange at 1 / 4 pct on bill amount ( min . hkd350 . 00 equivalent ) are for account of beneficiary and will be deducted from the proceeds at the time of reimbursement / payment
    如果以现金方式付款(忘了,不知是不是这种付款方式) ,兑换手续费为单据的金额的0 . 25 % (最少相当于350港元) ,由受益人支付.在付款扣除
  • The capsim model , originally developed by the center for chinese agricultural policy research of the chinese academy of sciences , is the first and most comprehensive model for chinese food demand , supply and trade analysis at the national level . the podium model , developed by the international water management institute , is a tool for accounting of water resources at the basin level . capsdvi - podium has been used as a tool in this paper for analyzing food security and water balance scenarios of china in 2020 based upon the database about food and water situation at the national level , provincial level , basin level and county level , hi accordance with such analysis , this paper puts forward policy recommendations for irrigation diversion of water , regional distribution of agriculture and food security
    因此,论文将粮食需求和生产、灌溉需水和水资源保障紧密的联系起来,在不打破水资源流域特性的基础上,以全国和九大流域片为研究对象,通过利用全国、流域、省级、县级统计资料和农产调查及专家访谈资料所建立的包含农业生产、粮食供求、灌溉用水和水资源等指标体系在内的中国粮食安全与水资源数据库,以原来中国科学院农业政策研究中心( ccap )开发的以部门均衡理论为基础的农业政策分析和预测模型( capsim )和国际水资源管理研究所( iwmi )开发的以流域水资源核算理论为基础的水资源政策分析模型( podium )为依托,发展了capsim ? podium模型,利用该模型为工具,系统、全面地分析了未来全国和九大流域片的灌溉水平衡和粮食安全情景,在此基础上提出我国灌溉用水、区域农业布局和粮食安全政策。
  • A if the collection instruction specifies that collection charges and or expenses are to be for account of the drawee and the drawee refuses to pay them , the presenting bank may deliver the document against payment or acceptance or on other terms and conditions as the case may be , without collecting charges and or expenses , unless sub - article 21 applies
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
  • 其他语种释义
  • for account ofとは意味:(人)の勘定分{かんじょう ぶん}として、(人)の勘定{かんじょう}で、(人)~が支払うものとして
  • 推荐英语阅读
for account of的中文翻译,for account of是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译for account of,for account of的中文意思,for account of的中文for account of in Chinesefor account of的中文for account of怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
