Oh, you flatter me. 啊!你恭维我了。 His portrait flatters him. 他的画像比他本人漂亮。 The music flattered his ears. 音乐使他听得满意。 feel oneself's highly flattered 得意洋洋。 flatter oneself that 自以为,对自己(某方面)估价过高(She flattered herself (that) She might win the prize. 她自以为会获奖)。
flatter2 n. 1.【机械工程】平面锤;压平机,拉扁钢丝模,扁条拉模,扁平槽。 2.敲平的人。
flatterとは意味:flatter v. …におべっかを使う, お世辞を言う; ほめる; 喜ばせる; 得意に思う. 【副詞1】 ◆I'm deeply flattered. 大変にうれしく思います ◆He is easily flattered. おだてに乗りやすい ◆He was extremely flattered that she found him desirable. 彼女に好ましい人だと思われて非常にう...