

  • n.
    -typic ,-typically adv.



  • 例句与用法
  • It discussed building the model of ecotype urbanization having the characteristic in chongqing city from three aspects : industrial structure , space layout and town scope system . at the same time , this part analyzed the motive power of ecotype urbanization in the three gorges reservoir region
  • Through the clustering analysis with the data of isozyme analysis , morphology analysis and climate analysis , 15 local populations were divided into 5 ecotypes . ecotype i included shanxi - fengxian , shanxi - shiquan , hubei - yunxi , hubei - wudang , hubei - yichang , hunan - anhua , hunan - shimen . gansu - liangdang population was belong to ecotype ii
  • It analyzed the concepts of " the city , the urbanization , the ecotype urbanization and the ecology city " , elaborated several theories of urban and rural constraction such as the compound ecology theory , the circulating economic theory and the ecology civilization theory , etc . the part three is the study of the condition of ecotype urbanization in the three gorges reservoir region in chongqing
  • The resulting plasmid , named prok - sod2 , was mobilized to agrobacterium tumefaciens strain gv3101 used for plant transformation . the yeast sod2 gene was introduced into arabidopsis thaliana ( ecotype landsberg erecta ) by agrobaterium tumefaciens - mediated transformation with floral - dipping method under the control of camv 35s promoter . transformants were selected for their ability to grow on medium containing kanamycin ( 30mg / l ) , several homozygous lines that were all tolerant to kanamycin were selected and used for further molecular and physiological determination
    本实验将sod2基因构建到植物表达载体prok中,导入农杆菌后,进行植物遗传转化,实现其在拟南芥中过量表达,在含30mg l的卡那霉素的培养基上筛选获得纯合转基因株系,自交一代获得足够的纯和转基因种子后,对其进行了分子生物学的验证及生理指标的检验。
  • In the study , six different ecotype varieties of common wheat and f1 derived from 6 6 complete diallel crossing system were selected for the research on the characteristics and heterosis of spike differentiation . the results showed that heterosis existed in most key spike differentiation phases and varied with different ecotype varieties . heterosis of spike differentiation was positively correlated with heterosis of hybrid yield . finally , the author concluded that it was the best way to produce strong heterosis combination by selecting the mode of “ spring wheat winter wheat ” in huanghuai winter wheat region
  • 4 the optimal water niche of m . h and m c are wetter than middle soil water content , belongs to mesophytes ; the optimal water niche of mosla scabra , on photosynthesis is more wetter than that of m . h and me , the optimal water niche between mesophytes and hygrophytes , and leaning to hygrophytes ; the photosynthetic water condition of m . d is arid environments , and its ecotype exits between mesophytes and xerophytes , and leaning to xerophytes . 5 m . h and m . s are locating between shade plants and sun plants , while m . c and m . d obviously belong to sun plants
    4 、杭州石荠?与华荠?光合的最适水分条件是中等偏湿,其水分生态类型应属于中生植物;石荠?光合的最适水分条件比杭州石荠?与华荠?光合的最适水分条件要求更湿,其水分生态类型介于中生和湿生植物之间,更偏向湿生;小鱼仙草光合作用的水分生态条件是干旱条件,其水分生态类型介于中生与旱生植物之间,更偏向旱生。
  • Then it ' s to be expected that a new academic environment in university come out . university ' s academies concentrate on researches . teachings and intellectual services . in this article the university ' s academic ecology refers to the views and applications about “ knowledge ecotype ” based on certain academic goals
  • It was showed that c . arborescens ecotype wu was generally the most drought tolerant one except lower than c . arborescens ecotype xj which was the maximum in may , bore comparison with zygophyllum xanthoxylum by estimating seasonally ; c . latens ecotype nx was significantlly lower than c . arborescens ecotype wu , the result was contrary to being known ; c . arborescens ecotype kerqin was significantlly lower than wu ; xj , the maximum in may , showed no else great difference to nx ; c . lanata was high in april and not high afterwards , however its phenological phase presented visible changes as compared with the original life patterns in western america
    Arborescensecotypexj ) 5月耐旱性表现最强,其他时间与宁夏驼绒藜差别不大;北美驼绒藜( c lanata ) 4月拐点很高, 4月以后耐旱性降低,其物候期与原分布区(美国西部)相比发生了很大变化。驼绒藜属植物在不同季节中蒸腾速率的日变化基本上都为典型的单峰曲线。
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