requirement n. 1.要求,需要。 2.要求物,必需品;需要量;必要条件,资格 (for)。 the detailed requirements 详细规格。 meet the requirements of the times 适应当时需要。 the first requirement 第一要件。
According to him , as regards the disclosure requirements of financial statements of listed companies , if we wanted the companies to disclose more detailed information , amendments to some of the ordinances relating to listed companies would be inevitable . as a result , it would take time to implement the relevant proposal 他说,在上市公司财政资料的披露上,若要上市公司披露更详细的资料,一些法律或其他上市条例的修订是难以避免,因此若要实行有关建议,不是一朝一夕能做到。