If a woman has warts on her cervix , this may cause slight bleeding . what are the complications 如疣生长在女性的子宫颈,则可能会引致轻微出血。
Expressions and significance of p 16ink4a and p14arf proteins in squamous carcinoma of the cervix 沙眼衣原体热休克蛋白10基因的克隆及其在真核细胞中的表达
Have you ever had any female diseases , such as pelvic inflammation , cervictis or polyp of the cervix , etc 你曾经得过妇女病么?如盆腔炎、宫颈炎、宫颈息肉等。
Number of new cases and crude incidence rate of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri from 2001 to 2004 二零零一年至二零零四年的子宫颈恶性肿瘤的新症数目和粗发病率
Placental metastasis from a case of neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix complicating pregnancy 子宫颈神经内分泌小细胞癌胎盘转移的电镜观察
Observation of the function of hand revolving fetal head combined with expanding cervix operation in birth process 手法旋转胎头联合扩张宫颈术在产程中的作用观察
Number of new cases and crude incidence rate of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri from 1983 to 2000 一九八三年至二零零零年的子宫颈恶性肿瘤的新症数目和粗发病率
Age - standardized incidence rate of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri , 1983 - 2000 age - standardized incidence rate of malignant 二零零一年至二零零四年的子宫颈恶性肿瘤