
cab driver中文是什么意思

  • 出租车司机



  • 例句与用法
  • Cab driver : get a little farther away from the cab next time , mac . . . here it is , whatcha gonna do ? when you get up there ? spit off the top
    出租车司机:下次别靠车太近,麦克… …到了,你上去干什么?从顶层往下吐痰吗?
  • And as an added attraction , many cab drivers will tell you their adventures as taxi drivers or even the details of their lifes
  • The taxi cab driver spoke very little english but understood that i needed to get to jiang yin ( a city three hours outside of shanghai ) that same night
    这名出租车司机虽然说不了几句英语,但却明白我那一晚是要去江阴(离上海有三小时路程的城市) 。
  • Jimmy tong jackie chan is a well - meaning but clumsy new york city cab driver who is tapped by steena debi mazar , associate to multi - millionaire cl . .
  • From taxi cab drivers to cleaning crews , each person gives me a chance to vicariously visit a place or do a thing that i might never experience on my own
  • Today i had this song running through my head , “ just another manic monday , wish it was sunday , cuz that ' s my fun day … ” we had a horrible cab driver this morning
    今天我的脑中一直回荡着这首歌, “又是一个狂燥的星期一,多希望还是星期天,那是我快乐的日子… … ”今天早上我们有一个可怕的出租车司机。
  • After compiling data from nearly 1 , 000 tips left for waiters , cab drivers and hair stylists , they found that tip percentages in all three areas dropped as customers " bills went up
  • After compiling data from nearly 1 , 000 tips left for waiters , cab drivers and hair stylists , they found that tip percentages in all three areas dropped as customers ' bills went up
  • The city ' s transportation system is so challenging that would - be cab drivers must pass a test demonstrating that they possess “ the knowledge ” in order to drive traditional black cabs
  • Max has lived a mundane life as a cab driver for twelve years . the faces have come and gone from his rear - view mirror : people and places he s long since forgotten - until tonight . vincent is a contract killer
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