Our major product is high potential magnesium anode , open - circuit voltage is - 1 . 77 - 1 . 82v , current 年生产铸造阳极3000吨,挤压阳极1080吨。
Control . the default is - 1 , which binds all the tree levels in the data source to the control 默认值为- 1 ,这会将数据源中的所有树级别绑定到该控件。
The default value is - 1 seconds , which means to use the server - determined default of 120 seconds 默认值为- 1秒,即表示使用服务器确定的默认值120秒。
The default value of the timeout property is - 1 , and indicates that a time - out never occurs infinite time - out 属性的默认值为- 1 ,它指示永远不会发生超时(无限超时设定) 。
The results show that the arom of the mp joint of the index , long , ring , and little fingers are - 1 ~ 91 , - 1 ~ 89 and - 1 ~ 88 , respectively 我们共收集了二十六位年轻大学生,年龄分布从十八至二十四岁。
Also , xylayout handles converting relative constraints to absolute locations , and it can be used to size a figure to its preferred size automatically in other words , when the constraint s width and height are - 1 另外, xylayout还处理将相对约束转换成绝对位置的工作,并且可用它来将图形自动调整为理想的大小(换而言之,如果约束的宽和高为- 1 ) 。
Specifically , if i enter the create table sql command that i ve constructed so far , and hit the sql button , i first get a messagebox that tells me the error code is - 1 , which also indicates success since the table is created without problems 具体地说,如果输入目前构造的create table sql命令并单击sql命令,首先会出现一个消息框,指出错误代码为- 1 ,这也表示成功,因为创建表时未出现问题。
This paper discusses the results in ricean channel in addition . the analysis of rayleigh and ricean channel are based on two cases , state information ( si ) , and no state information ( nsi ) . while the code rate approaching to zero , the shannon limit of bsc channel model is 0 . 37db , the result of awgn ’ s is - 1 . 59db , of rayleigh si is - 2 . 31db , of rayleigh nsi is - 1 . 45db , of riceansi is - 2 . 31db , and of ricean nsi is - 1 . 44db 当码率趋近于0时bsc信道下的香农限为0 . 37db , awgn信道下的香农限为- 1 . 59db ,瑞利信道下信道增益已知时的香农限为- 2 . 31db 、信道未知时的香农限为- 1 . 45db ,莱斯信道下信道增益已知时的香农限为- 2 . 31db ,信道增益未知时香农限为- 1 . 44db 。