speed n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度。 3.(汽车的)变速器,排挡。 4.(胶片,照相纸)感光速度。 5.〔古语〕兴隆,成功。 6.〔美国〕甲基苯异丙胺(类毒品)。 7. 〔美口〕(大音量和强节奏的)“重金属”(电子)摇滚乐 (=speed-metal)。 More haste, less [worse] speed. 越急越慢,欲速反迟。 The ship has a speed of 30 knots. 这条船时速30海里。 Let's accelerate the speed of our community construction. 让我们加快我们社区建设的速度。 a top speed 最大速度。 a speed of escape [escape speed] 【火箭】第二宇宙速度,逃逸速度〔克服地球引力的速度〕。 a horse of speed 快马。 (at) full speed=at the top of one's speed 用全速,开足马力。 make speed 赶快,赶紧,加快。 put on full speed 用全速,开足马力。 with speed 迅速,赶快。 wish (sb.) good speed=wish good speed (to sb.) 祝…成功。 with all speed 用全速,开足马力。 vt. (sped , speeded) (常用 speeded) 1.催,使赶快,促进,快速送传。 2.〔古语〕使成功,使成就,使兴隆。 3.祝愿成功,祝一路平安。 4.调节速度,使保持一定速度。 Speed our boat forward. It's getting dark. 使我们的小船快速前进,天黑起来了。 It's time we speed the parting guests. 现在是我们去向离别的客人们祝福一路平安的时候了。 vi. 1.迅速前进,快行 (along down up across)。 2.进行;过日子。 3.〔美国〕(汽车司机)用规定以上的速度驾驶。 4.〔古语〕成功,兴隆。 The car sped directly to the village. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。 I should like to know how you speed. 我很想知道您的好情况。 God speed you! 祝成功! speed ill 不顺利。 speed up 加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做 (sth.) (speed up the work 加紧工作)。 speed well 顺利。
At speed of guaranteeing , abroad most new materials read and come out and record they at boxlike recording pull 为了保证速度,他们将国外最新的资料直接用朝语念出来并录在盒式录音带上。
Each road holds two lines of cars that can travel at speeds between one hundred and one hundred twenty kilometers an hour 每条路有两条行车线,能在上面以每小时一百到一百二十公里的速度驾驶。
Each road holds two lines of cars that can travel at speeds between one hundred and one hundred twenty kilometers an hour 每条路由两条通车线,驾车的速度可以在每小时一百公里到一百二十公里之间。
Carl was in the ascendant obviously , though he didn ' t accept the normal training , he deserved to be an ace at speed skating 卡尔这时显占了优势,他虽然没有受过正规化的训练,但也称得上是速滑好手。
They could also give rise to a new class of supercomputers that could share data internally at speeds not possible today 激光芯片同样可以提高超级计算机的级别,使之达到今天所不可能达到的数据内部共享速度
Before the student tires , he should be told to leave the ring and he will do so at speed , exactly as if he were actually making an escape 应该在学生疲倦之前,告诉他离开场地,他必须全速行动,就像真的逃脱一样。
At speeds of around one - millionth of that of a modern broadbandconnection , it sent data chugging along dedicated networks to clunky terminals 信号在带宽约为现在的百万分之一的速率下,通过专用网络发送到笨拙的终端。
Construction of the six - lane bridge , on which motor vehicles will be able to drive at speeds of up to 100 km per hour , began in nov . 2003 大桥的建设始于2003年11月,桥面上有个六车道,机动车的行驶时速将可达100公里。
I was overwhelmed by the power of the motorcycles that sped along the public roads right past private residences at speeds of over 200 km per hour 我被摩托车在居民住宅附近的公路以每小时超过200公里的速度奔跑所折服。
Ibm followed this in 2003 with the 750gx , which incorporates 1mb of l2 cache at speeds of 1ghz at around seven watts of power consumption Ibm随之在2003年又发布了750gx ,它带有1mb的l2缓存,速度是1ghz ,功耗大约是7瓦。