The council negatived the amendments moved by hon andrew cheng and hon chan kam - lam to the tolls increase for cht proposed under the revenue bill 1999 立法会否决郑家富议员及陈鉴林议员对1999年收入条例草案中有关提高海隧收费建议所动议的修正案。
Following is a question by the hon andrew cheng and a written reply by the secretary for home affairs , dr patrick ho , in the legislative council today october 8 以下为今日十月八日在立法会会议上郑家富议员的提问及民政事务局局长何志平的书面答覆:
The council negatived the amendments moved by hon andrew cheng and hon chan kam - lam to the tolls increase for cht proposed under the revenue bill 1999 立法会否决郑家富议员及陈鉴林议员对《 1999年收入条例草案》中有关提高海隧收费建议所动议的修正案。
Hon andrew cheng raised a question on proposed public transport service plan in anticipation of the commissioning of mos rail , particularly the reduction of franchised bus routes proposed in the plan 郑家富议员就马铁通车而建议实施的公共交通计划,尤其是该计划内削减专营巴士路线的建议提出质询。
Hon andrew cheng raised a question on proposed public transport service plan in anticipation of the commissioning of mos rail , particularly the reduction of franchised bus routes proposed in the plan 郑家富议员就马铁通车而建议实施的公共交通计划,尤其是该计划内削减专营巴士路线的建议提出质询。
Legislative council question 18 : " approval of master layout plan " by the hon andrew cheng and a written reply by the secretary for housing , planning and lands , mr michael suen , in the legislative council 立法会会议上郑家富议员就立法会十八题:总纲发展蓝图的审批的提问和房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬的书面答覆
At the meeting when hc considered the labour tribunal ( amendment ) bill 1999 ( the bill ) which sought to improve the operation of the tribunal , hon andrew cheng suggested that the presiding officer of the tribunal should have the discretion to allow legal representation for both parties in complex cases 内务委员会在会议上审议旨在改善劳资审裁处( "审裁处" )运作方式的《劳资审裁处(修订)条例草案》 (条例草案)时,郑家富议员建议审裁处审裁官应获赋酌情权,准许复杂案件中的双方有法律代表。
The council passed a motion on " safeguarding the rights and benefits of public servants and staff of outsourced government services " moved by hon leung fu - wah as amended by hon andrew cheng urging the government to strictly monitor its contractors to ensure that they adopted the average wages of similar trades published in the census and statistics department s quarterly report of wages and payroll statistics as the standard of minimum allowable wage for non - skilled workers involved in outsourced government services , and fully enforce this requirement and to extend it to the outsourced services contracts of public organizations and public corporations 梁富华议员就"保障公务人员及政府外判员工权益"动议的议案经郑家富议员修正后获立法会通过,该项议案促请政府严格监管其承办商,确保他们以政府统计处发表的工资及薪金总额按季统计报告中同类工种的平均薪金,作为政府外判合约所涉及的非技术工人的最低薪金标准,并贯彻执行这项规定,以及将有关规定扩展至公营机构及公营公司的外判合约。