
a wide audience中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • We anticipate that by the end of 2005 , we will make the materials that have come through available unto a wider audience as earth is ready to test run the healing offered unto more individuals
  • 9 " academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars ' ideas reach only a narrow audience . until scholars can reach a wider audience , their ideas will have little use .
  • " academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars ' ideas reach only a narrow audience . until scholars can reach a wider audience , their ideas will have little use .
  • In order to serve a wider audience and offer online viewing of master s program for english - speaking truth - seekers worldwide , english subtitles will be added to each program serial
    为了服务更多观众,让喜爱真理的英文语系人士也能透过网路从世界各个角落欣赏到师父的节目,我们将陆续为每集节目附上英文字幕,目前已完成第40 45 48 52等集,欢迎读者上网观赏。
  • Would independent producers be able to reach a wider audience , and thus earn a better living , if they had a better way to advertise their output and perhaps attract business by declaring less restrictive licenses
  • Mr . eric bohm , wwf hong kong ceo said , we are honoured to cooperate with rotary club to establish the rotary centennial institute for wetland conservation to promote the concept of wetland conservation to a wider audience
  • Consider whether or not other document management solutions such as quickplace or domino document manager might help minimize multiple copies of the same information , and facilitate access to the information to a wider audience
    考虑使用其他的文档管理解决方案(例如quickplace或domino document manager )是否有助于使相同信息的多个副本最小化,并方便更多的收件人访问此信息。
  • From 1998 the epd also began producing the reports as electronic files , made available on the departments website for a wider audience , and eventually in 2002 ceased production of the hard copy versions as a green measure to reduce use of paper
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  • 推荐英语阅读
a wide audience的中文翻译,a wide audience是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译a wide audience,a wide audience的中文意思,a wide audience的中文a wide audience in Chinesea wide audience的中文a wide audience怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
