She walked into her boudoir, and before her mirror began to dress for a dinner to which she had been invited . 她走过她的闺房,对着镜子打扮着,预备应邀赴一个宴会。
Mr. slope had to explain, not without blushing for his patron, that there was no champagne . 斯洛普先生免不了要为他的赞助人感到害臊,他不得不解释说,并没有预备下香槟酒。
Even jem looked up to catch one glimpse, before he hid his face from her look of aversion . 就连杰姆也抬起头来看上一眼,预备等看了一眼之后,再在她那憎恶的眼光前把脸蒙起来。
Many guard and reserve officers had grown old in the prewar struggle to maintain a citizen security force . 许多保安队和预备军官,均已在战前所维持之国民治安部队中渐趋衰老。
I remember once, on deck, in bright day, touching him on the shoulder as preliminary of giving an order . 我记得有一天在甲板上,是风和日丽的一天,我在他的肩头一拍,预备发令。
I have not scraped a couple of millions together by the sweat of my brow to chuck at the feet of my father's creditors . 我流了汗挣来不到两百万的钱,不是预备送给我父亲的债主的。
I shall disclose some of his opinions of you, privately expressed to me, unless he relents a little . 除非他变得心平气和一点,不然,我预备把他私下跟我讲对于你的若干意见揭发出来。
Wide, gently sloping ramps provided easy passage for those who walked with difficulty, or not at all . 一条条宽阔的略微倾斜的小坡,替那些走路有困难的人甚至根本不能走路的人预备了方便的通道。
It usually fell to the lot of some one or other of them to wake the rest, the first being aroused by an alarm clock . 他们每天总是托付一个人,预备好一架闹钟,把自己先聒醒了,然后再把大家全都唤醒。
While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair . 他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。
预备的韩语:(1)[명사][동사] 예비[준비](하다). 你们预备好了吗? 준비 다 되었느냐? 预备功课; 수업을 준비하다. 예습하다 他预备中午出发; 그는 정오에 출발하려고 한다 预备晚饭; 저녁 준비하다 (2)[동사] …할 예정이다. 春节你预备到哪儿去玩儿? 설에 너는 어디로 놀러갈거니? (3)[명사]〈체육〉 준비! [경주의 출발에 쓰임] 各就位, 预备, 跑!;...
预备的俄语:[yùbèi] 1) готовить; подготавливать(ся) 预备功课 [yùbèi gōngkè] — готовить уроки 2) собираться 夏天你预备到那儿去休息? [xiàtiān nǐ yùbèi dào nǎr qù xiūxi] — куда ты собираешься летом поехать отдыхать? 3) п...