To document testing activities through the use of test plan , test specification , test incident report , test progress report and test summary report 可透过使用以下这些文件以记录测试的工作:测试规划、测试规格、测试事件报告、测试进展报告及测试摘要报告。
Coordinating divisional returns of follow - up action on public accounts committee and director of audit s reports , including government minutes and annual and half - yearly progress reports 统筹各部就政府帐目委员会及审计署署长报告书所提交的跟进工作报告,包括政府覆文和全年及半年度进展报告
Coordinating divisional returns of follow - up action on public accounts committee and director of audit s reports , including government minutes and annual and half - yearly progress reports 统筹各部就政府帐目委员会及审计署署长报告书所提交的跟进工作报告,包括政府覆文和全年及半年度进展报告
Hab had up to march 2005 provided four progress reports enclosing 13 interim reports on the review of advisory and statutory bodies to the legislative council legco panel on home affairs 截至二零零五年三月,民政事务局已提交四份有关检讨谘询及法定组织的进展报告附有13份中期报告予立法会民政事务委员会。
Very realistic progress reports , identifying all the possible challenges , would provide the basis for appropriate on ? course corrections to be made in a timely manner in the process of project implementation 据有现实性的进展报告,理清各种可能的挑战,将会为项目在实施过程中,及时调整或更正相关措施提供一个良好的基础。
To provide up front planning , resource loading and leveling , progress reporting , updated schedule and cost information and analysis of project trends in schedule and cost , thus enabling management to make informed decisions 为项目管理层决策而提供:计划,资源配置,进展报告,更新进度表和成本信息,以及分析项目进度和成本。
The panel received and discussed the progress report on the trials and studies to ascertain the feasibility of options proposed by the international review panel to implement the further stages of hats 事务委员会听取及讨论有关为确定国际专家小组就净化海港计划馀下各阶段而建议的各个方案是否可行所进行的各项试验和研究的进展报告。
The panel received and discussed the progress report on the trials and studies to ascertain the feasibility of options proposed by the international review panel to implement the further stages of hats 事务委员会听取及讨论有关为确定国际专家小组就净化海港计划馀下各阶段而建议的各个方案是否可行所进行的各项试验和研究的进展报告。
This is the page where you would also find important notices from the group regarding weekly meetings , results of badge tests , progress updates of members , guild and group functions and much more 同时,团部也透过此公告栏向各位团员、团友及关心本团活动人士发布重要讯息,例如每周例常集会、徽章考验结果、团员进展报告、团友会及本团的主要活动。
Host city organising committee delegations from turino 2006 , beijing 2008 , and vancouver 2010 also provided progress reports on their plans to stage the paralympic games , the worlds second biggest multi sport event for elite athletes 来自都灵2006 、北京2008和温哥华2010的主办城市代表团,也就举办这项世界第二大体育赛事提交了各自的计划进展报告。