

  • methods of conducting trade
  • modes of trade
  • terms of trade
  • trading forms
  • type of trading
  • various trade modes
  • varioustrademodes



  • 例句与用法
  • The traditional ways of trade had failed to conform to the increase in import and export , the change in trade methods and the import and export structure . there ' s an imperative need for a much more and newer way of financing
  • Electronic commerce , which develops quickly , falters and enriches people ' s traditional trade methods , and deeply changes people ' s life style and idea , and will become the human core of information society of 21 centuries
  • Since the great war two , international trade has achieved great development and the form of international trade has also changed greatly . the processing trade gradually becomes an important trade method of joining the international community
  • At last , based on the above study , we give some suggestion , such as improving our import from the aspect of trade pattern , enhancing the import of energy resources goods , and strengthening our import of service trade
  • What is e - business ? e - business e biz nis the transformation of key business processes through the use of internet technologies . the web is changing every aspect of our lives , but no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate
  • With the rapid development of information technology and world economic integration , new method of commerce is urgently needed to satisfy the demand of economic advance . under these conditions , electronic commerce ( ec ) , which is based on high - tech comes into being
  • What is e - business ? e - business ( e biz nis ) the transformation of key business processes through the use of internet technologies . the web is changing every aspect of our lives , but no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate
  • The " agreement on the long - term trade between china and japan " , since its initial signing in 1978 , has so far been renewed five times and has created a special mode of trade that has played a very significant role in the maintenance of steady development of the trade between the two countries concerned
  • The second part is to introduce the related theory including mundell ’ s substitute model and kiyoshi kojima ’ s boundary industry model . the third part is to analyze the disadvantage of shanghai ’ s foreign trade including the big gap between shanghai and other developed district for foreign trade in
  • Second , it analyses this effect mechanism and restricted factors through long - term , short - term effect and over developed impact of foreign trade , with the emphasis such as trade strategy , trade policy , trade shock , import and export goods compositions along with trade means effect
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
贸易方式的英文翻译,贸易方式英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贸易方式,贸易方式的英文意思,貿易方式的英文贸易方式 meaning in English貿易方式的英文贸易方式怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
