If the pledgor refuses to provide the additional security , the pledgee may auction or sell the pledged property , and conclude an agreement with the pledgor that the proceeds from the auction or sale shall be used to pay in advance the debt secured or be deposited with a third party as agreed upon with the pledgor 出质人不提供的,质权人可以拍卖或者变卖质物,并与出质人协议将拍卖或者变卖所得的价款用于提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与出质人约定的第三人提存。
In the last part , the author gives a further study in the relation between two pledge rights and between the pledge rights and angle of the kegal relation of the pledge rights , the base price of the pledge rights anon the pubic showing methods of the pledge rights . at the same time , the author introduces the different classification of the pledge rights , and lays emphasis on the comparison between the business pledge rights and the general pledge rights , and also , in this part , throngh the explanation of the history and function of the pledge rights , the author illustrates the importance and necessarity of the system of the pledge rights 第五,就质权与质权之间,质权与抵押权之问的关系作了进一步的论述和研讨。在论述质权与质权的关系时,认为在一定条件下同一质物可以成立数个质权,只要质物的价值大于原先所担保的债权苑围,出质人即可再行设质,但在请偿顺序上一般以有效成立的先后顺序来确定。转质权和善意取得的质权是例外。
In 2005 , 61 physical and chemical parameters were measured and analysed in sediments . these included particle size , electrochemical potential as highly anoxic sediment with negative potential is related to organic pollution , chemical oxygen demand which indicates organic pollutants , total sulphide inorganic constituents , source of the unpleasant - smelling gas hydrogen sulphide , 15 metals and metalloids aluminium , arsenic , barium , boron , cadmium , chromium , copper , iron , lead , manganese , mercury , nickel , silver , vanadium and zinc , and trace toxic organics pahs and pcbs - 16 compounds and 18 congeners respectively 2005年,沉积物监测包括分析61种物理及化学参数,其中有粒子大小电化学势有机污染促使沉积物缺氧,而让电化学势呈负数值化学需氧量显示有机污染程度总硫化物无机物,是造成难闻气体硫化氢的主因15种金属及准金属铝砷钡硼镉铬铜铁铅锰汞镍银钒及锌和痕量毒性有机物多环芳烃及多氯联苯分别为16种复合物及18种同质物。
The test results show that the whiteness of high - grade grammite powder can be increas4ed from 72 to 84 by using single high - intensity magnetic separation , and the one of low - grade grammite powder containing carbonaceous materials from 62 to about 81 by using the hims - airflow pulverising - flotation flowsheet 试验结果表明,采用单一强磁选方法可将硅灰石富矿粉的白度由72提高到84 ;采用强磁选-气流粉碎-浮选新工艺可将含碳质物的硅灰石贫矿粉的白度由62提高到81左右。
Moreover , our laws provide more , strict pledge requirements on foreign investment enterprises . part five states the rights and the obligations of the pledger and the pawnee in share right pledge . part six clarifies the validity scope of the share right pledge , focusing on the validity to the secured creditors " right and the subject matter 第六部躺明股踉押具腕括的几怕面的效力,着重论述了股权质押对所邯债权范围的效力及贩物的效力,前者主要包括主债权、利息、违约金、损害贿铀实狮权的费用,后者一鹏括质物、革息及代位物。
In this dissertation , the pulse jet style , the influence on the shock wave , the flow in the tube and the cooling effect was deeply studied theoretically and experimentally . the influence of the pulse jet style on the forming of shock wave and the shock wave intensity was explored . the initial disconnection style in oscillating tube vented and the initial disconnection breakdown was proposed by different pulse jet style 本文对脉动射流的型式及其对激波、管内流动及冷效应的影响进行了较系统的理论和实验研究,主要包括:探讨了脉动射流的型式对形成管内激波形成及激波强度的影响,给出了不同脉动射流的型式下振荡管开口端初始间断的类型,对初始间断进行了分解,导出了包含进气、排气参数及工质物性参数的管内入射激波马赫数mj的表达式,给出了管内激波形成的三种原因及其所对应的脉动射流型式和具体的工作状态。
This paper offers some performance data calculate with computer program and figures which variation of performances of refrigeration in different refrigerants and circle with evaporating temperature . it shows that it is feasible to calculate thermodynamic properties of refrigerants with equation of state pr in ideal circle and new refrigerants sfuch as r134a , r152a have not more coefficient of performance ( cop ) than r22 in single - press circle but still have preferable practical value in freezing refrigeration ; the results also demonstrate the importance and need for applying mixed - refrigerant in freezing 本文给出了几种制冷工质在单级和双级压缩制冷循环下的一些性能数据及各性能随蒸发温度变化比较图。结果表明,利用pr方程得出的制冷工质物性,可用于计算制冷循环性能;在单级制冷循环中, r12和r22仍具有较高的制冷系数,但新工质如r134a 、 r152a在较低温度制冷中具有很高的研究价值;计算也表明,在较低温度制冷中,混合工质的研究是极有价值的。
This thesis is divided into five parts . in the first part , through the comparison between mortgage and the pledge rights , and drawing lessons from wang limin ( professor of china people ' s university ) ' s idea , the author gives a definition to the pledge rights : it ' s the rights that when the debtor does n ' t fulfill his obligation , the creditor can be given the legal rights to take possession of a house or some other property as a security for payment of money lent . then the author makes further explanation to the pledge rights from the which analyzes the legal meaning of returing the security wantonly , although the supreme court made it clear that " after the creditor returned the security to the debtor , and comfronts the third person based on the pledge rights , the court will not support it " , thecourt did n ' t explicit whether the pledge rights dies out or is invalid . the author poses out when in this situation , the pledge rights dies out 如在论述动产质权实现条件时,分析了我国《担保法》第七十一条的不足之处并提出了自己的见解:职权人只能在非自身的原因未能受到清偿时才能实现其质权;质权实现时质物价值超过约定价值的部分应归出质人所有;而质权人怠于行使质权而使质物价值下跌的,质权人应承担赔偿责任。再如在分析任意返还质。物的法律意义时,针对最高人民法院尽管在其司法解释中明确了“质权人将质物返i ” a硕士学住论文v不示yw订比’ sn正狠还于出质人后,以其质权对抗第三人的,人民法院不予支持” ,但没有明确此种情况下,质权是消灭还是无效的缺陷,笔者提出了质权人将质物返还于出质人或质物所有人的质权消灭的观点。
The pawn as a lien means that a borrower borrow money from a pawnshop and deliver his movable to the pawnshop for lien . if he can ’ t refund the corpus and interest in a specific period to redeem his movable , the title is going to belong to the pawnshops as a charge for the money the borrower take 典当是指借款人向典当行借钱而将自己的动产交给典当行质押,在约定的期限内清偿借款本息赎回原物,如果超过约定期限,则质物直接归属典当行所有或典当行变卖质物充抵借款。