manifest; waybill; shipping list
交货单,出货单 d/o交货单,发货单 delivery note提货单,拨货单 delivery order出货单 delivery order; landing order船货单 manifest存货单 deposit warrant; nbsp; stock list; stocklist钉货单 order slip定货单 order blank; order for goods; order form; order sheet; purchase order订货单 indent number; order blank; order book; order for goods; order form; order list; order sheet; order slip; po purchase order; purchase order渡货单 boat note发货单 bil of delivery; bill of delivery; consignment invoice; d/o delivery order; delivery note; despatch list; despatching note; dispatch list; ship order; shipping order购货单 purchase order; purchasing order换货单 swaorder货单,锚指 bill货单;舱单 manifest寄货单 p/r parcel peceipt交货单 d/o delivery order; delivery advice; delivery note; delivery order (d/o); delivery ticket; tick note; tick-note进货单 list 1理货单 tally card; tally list; tally sheet (book); tally sheet (book)领货单 requisition form买货单 bought note起货单 landing account; landing permits取货单 carrier's note缺货单 want slips货袋提升器 bag elevator货袋收尘器 bag collector
Every item being shipped must be accompanied by a way bill . no exceptions will be tolerated 每一样运送的物品都要有运货单 ,不允许有例外。 Servo was swamped with rush orders for the korean war - perhaps we could help 塞尔伏为了韩战的紧急定货单 忙得要死- -也许我们可以帮他一点忙。 For these items , the declaration on the ups worldwide services waybill is sufficient 就这些项目而言, ups环球服务运货单 上的声明即已足够。 Preparation of purchase order , sales order confirmation , commercial invoice and packing list 协助编制购货单 销售订单确认商业发票及装箱单 Example 3 : orders of 1 shipping unit , shipping from vancouver to the following states 以1个运货单 位计算units ,由vancouver寄往美国以下洲份 Delivery of stores to users within seven working days from the receipt of the stores requisition note 在收到支货单 后七个工作内将物品送交用户 Lucius : i ' ve just been looking at the sales slips . we ' re doing a land - office business 路修斯:我刚才在看销售货单 。我们的生意真的好到没话说。 We are pleased to place with you an order for 2000 washing machines to be supplied from current stock 我方希望能按照定货单 从你处订购贵方的产品。 Choose the buy button and click continue for a new customer and proceed to order form 选择购买按钮并且点击对于一个新顾客需继续著手进行定货单 形式。 Nope ! i ' ve been doing nothing but filling these backorders . never been so busy before 没有!我除了在赶货单 之外什么都没事都没做,以前从没这么忙过!
货单的法语 :名 liste des marchandises;connaissement货单的日语 :積荷明細書.货单的韩语 :[명사]〈상업〉 (1)인보이스(invoice). 하물 송장(荷物送狀). =[发fā(货)单] (2)적하 목록. (3)품목표. 상품 리스트. 出口货单; 수출 품목표 进口货单; 수입 품목표 解禁货单; 금수 해제 품목표 (4)(货单儿) 【속어】 상품 카탈로그.货单的俄语 :[huòdān] накладная; фактура; перечень товаров货单什么意思 :huòdān [manifest;shipping list] 货物清单