The young american is now in an ancient, condemned whaler, with a mutinous crew and a weak captain . 那个年轻的美国人现在置身于一条旧得不能再用的捕鲸船上,船员心存叛乱,船长软弱无能。
Six of the crew, of whom i was one, having let down the boat into the sea, made a shift to get clear of the ship, and the rock . 六个船员,连我在内,把汽艇放下海去,想尽办法脱离大船和礁石。
I was dog-tired when, a little before dawn, the boatswain sounded his pipe, and the crew began to man the capstan-bars . 在将近黎明时分,当水手长吹起他的哨子,船员们开始在绞盘杠前各就各位时,我已经累得要死。
Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the sea-chest proved them wrong . 船员们起先以为沉船找到了,但是这只海底捞上来的箱子里的东西证明他们错了。
If this perturbed iberian sailors, it was nothing to the fright which the turkish armies were giving the princes and peoples of eastern and southern europe . 如果这也烦扰了伊比利亚船员的话,那么同土耳其军队给东欧和南欧的王公和人民造成的恐怖比较起来,简直算不了什么。
They seized on the ship and imprisoned the crew 他们扣住了船并拘留了全体船员。
A comparative study on medical certificates for seafarers 船员医疗证书比较研究
The crew used the robotic arm to scan the damage 船员使用机器臂来扫描损坏部位。
The captain ordered the sailors to clew ( the sails ) down 船长命令船员们拉下船帆。
Urinal drain pipes in crew toilets to be renewed 船员厕所里小便池排水管需换新。