

  • spermatic
  • spermatozoan
  • spermic



  • 例句与用法
  • But he pays for this . he is hotter than lions with lighter manes , eats less in summer and produces more abnormal sperm , the researchers found
  • Mundy ruefully notes that there is minimal screening of egg and sperm recipients , compared with the exhaustive home studies required for adoption proper
  • " we sent e - mails around to our friends asking what they might say in such a situation and that is where we got the idea for the piece .
    法雷尔说: “我们向朋友发出电子邮件,询问他们如果遇到捐献精子的情况他们可能会对未来的孩子说些什么,而我们就在这里找到了该剧创作的灵感。 ”
  • While these extra genes were a side effect of a fertility treatment and didn ' t cure disease or alter traits , they made ideas like designer sperm seem less fanciful
  • Cattle and pig sperm can make the trip to the uterus independently of the testicles in which they develop because farmers have chemical additives that make both last longer
    牛和猪的精子可以不借助它的“工厂” ? ?睾丸的帮助而自行进入子宫,因为农民会使用化学药剂令精子的活性延长。
  • Using nothing more than a swab of saliva and the internet , a 15 - year - old boy has tracked down his anonymous sperm donor father , according to details released today
    一位美国母亲曾从精子银行得到精子使一个男孩诞生。 15年后,男孩仅仅利用唾液和互联网就寻找到了为他匿名提供精子的生父。
  • We also sought to determine whether we could induce human eggs to divide into early embryos without being fertilized by a sperm or being enucleated and injected with a donor cell
  • Using nothing more than a swab of saliva and the internet , a 15 - year - old boy has tracked down his anonymous sperm donor father , according to details released today
    一位美国母亲曾从精子银行得到精子使一个男孩诞生。 15年后,男孩仅仅利用唾液和互联网就寻找到了为他匿名提供精子的生父。
  • But he pays for this . he is hotter than lions with lighter manes , eats less in summer and produces more abnormal sperm , the researchers found
  • Within their study , the researchers used spermatogonial stem cells ( those stem cells that constantly produce sperm in all mammals ) and exposed them to cigarette smoke for six or 12 weeks
    在他们的研究中,研究人员应用精原干细胞(哺乳动物持续产生精子的干细胞) ,将其暴露于烟草中6周或12周。
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