混沌 1.(宇宙形成前的景象) chaos; the chaotic world in prehistoric times 混沌初开 when earth was first separated from heaven; at the dawn of civilization; 混沌状态 chaotic state; 原始的混沌状态 primal chaos2.(无知的样子) innocent as a child; ignorant and dumb3.(姓氏) a surname 混沌清 hundun qing; 混沌场 chaos field
In this paper , the chaotic motion of a planar 2r robot is controlled successfully based on the method of periodic signal perturbations for the first time 摘要本文通过外加周期信号扰动系统参数的方法以平面2r机器人为例首次对机器人机构中的混沌运动进行了成功的控制。
By use of the properties of ergodicity , randomicity , and regularity of chaos , a chaos ant colony optimization ( caco ) algorithm is proposed to solve traveling salesman problem 摘要利用混沌运动的遍历性、随机性和规律性等特点,提出了一种求解旅行商问题的混沌蚁群( caco )算法。
The dynamical characters of chaotic motion have been proved to be useful in describing and diagnosing for nonlinear dynamical systems , especially for electronic circuits 混沌运动的动力学特性已经被证明在描述和量化大量的复杂现象中非常有用,其中包括电子电路的动力学特性。
Chaotic optimization method searches optima by means of regularity , ergodicity and intrinsic stochastic properties of chaotic motion and can find out global optimum in great probability 摘要混沌优化方法利用混沌运动的随机性、规律性、遍历性寻优,能以较大的概率搜索到全局最优点。
Because the chaos is characterized by “ supersensitivity ” to the initial conditions and long term forcasts of trajectories are impossible , control of chaos becomes the essential link to application 由于混沌运动具有初值敏感性和长时间发展趋势的不可预见性,混沌控制就成为混沌应用的关键环节。
The results obtained by the dissertation show that there exist the chaotic motions in some parameter regions . the research contents and the major results obtained in this dissertation are as follows 本文研究了倒立摆系统的非线性动力学,表明倒立摆系统在某些参数区域内可以出现分叉和混沌运动。
In discontinuous maps , in general a periodic orbit , after losing its stability via a type v intermittency , can transmit to chaos only after a sequence of higher period orbits 在这类由不连续映象描述的系统中,一般一个周期轨道经由v型阵发失稳之后必须经过一系列过渡高周期轨道才能过渡到混沌运动。
Based on comprehending the definition of chaos and its concepts , several description methods of chaos are discussed , including poicare mapping , power spectrum and lyapunov exponent , and so on 在理解混沌的含义和几个概念基础上,重点讨论了混沌运动的几种刻划方法,包括庞加莱映射、功率谱与lyapunov指数等。
Using gaussian fuzzy membership functions in conjunction with the least - squares principle , a novel approach is developed for intelligent fuzzy modeling and adaptive control strategy of uncertain chaotic system 利用高斯模糊隶属函数和最小二乘法,在无需求解系统不动点的情况下,可将混沌运动镇定到任意指定目标位置。
In order to deeply analyze the dynamical features of the nonlinear system , make sure the relationship between the movement of the system and chaos , the author does some qualitative and quantitative work 为了进一步分析非线性系统的动力学特性,确定系统运动与混沌运动之间的关系,作者进行了定性和定量研究两方面的工作。