

  • 形容词
    1.(形容水流清澈) (of water ) clear; limpid
    2.(形容风疾) (of wind) swift



  • 例句与用法
  • It lies between south dawei national forest park and the main road at provincial level in eastern liuyang with charming landscape and traffic convenience
  • For measuring of seed vigor , we study seed vigor quantitatively by means of computing specific value of stained and unstained area in plumule
  • The results showed that the main microbes in the koji used in naturally fermented liuyang brown bean were mainly molds and bacteria , and less counting of yeast and actinomyces
  • The gas mixture flows through the detector with a pressure slightly above atmospheric pressure . prototypes of ppsd have been tested at cern ps ( proton synchrotron ) with beams of 1 or 2 gev / c in momentum
    P然d的两个样品分别于19 ”和加朋年在cern外t10来流戏上进行了试,效率达到”呱
  • Tetrazole staining method for measuring seed vigor that is accurate and steady which is admited by international word . and that witch is easy for imaging processing
  • Along coastal highway , suzhou - taicang - kunshan highway , shanghai - jiading - liuhe highway and wuxi - taicang first stage highway , you can easily get to shanghai
  • Keiji , m . , eiji , f . , and yuuji , h . , “ utilization of electric arc furnace oxidizing slag as concrete aggregates , ” jca proceedings of cement & concrete , no . 48 , pp . 311 - 315 ( 1994 )
    森野奎二、上荣治,使用电弧炉氧化炉碴骨材混凝土的各种特性,第二十六届水泥和混凝土研究讨论会论文报告集( 1999 ) 。
  • The first factory of china jinsheng fireworks group was established in 1976 , along with a long history of fireworks manufacturing . it is also the most important base of large - scale fireworks manufacturing in liuyang
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 浏的法语:形 <书> 1.clair;limpide 2.rapide(le vent)
  • 浏的日语:浏liú 〈書〉 (1)水流のすき透っているさま. (2)風がかすめ通るさま.
  • 浏的韩语:(1)[형용사]【문어】 물이 맑고 투명한 모양. (2)[형용사]【문어】 바람이 세찬 모양. (3)[동사]【초기백화】 몰래 달아나다. (4)지명에 쓰이는 글자. 浏河; 유하 [강소성(江蘇省)에 있는 강] =娄Lóu江
  • 浏的俄语:= 浏
  • 浏什么意思:(瀏) liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ 1)水清澈:~溧。~滥(清净)。 2)明朗:“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而~亮”。 3)大略地看:~览。 ·参考词汇: clear swift 浏阳 浏览
  • 推荐英语阅读
浏的英文翻译,浏英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译浏,浏的英文意思,瀏的英文浏 meaning in English瀏的英文浏怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
