

  • purposed



  • 例句与用法
  • The following sections detail how specific individual services can be configured properly depending on their intended use
  • Unintended ? involuntary ; not under control of the will ; not the intention of the player at the moment of his action
    非故意的? ?非自愿的;不在意愿控制下的;并不是牌手行动时所打算的
  • Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to " improve " them after they ' re married
  • The sky can drop pasty impossibly , so successful good luck is the person preparation that makes good plan for in advance
  • A happy ending for all concerned , then , including michael ballack , who ' ll replace lamps at stamford bridge
  • " but first , " said morrel , " allow me , sir , to tell you who i am , how much i love mademoiselle valentine , and what are my designs respecting her .
    “首先, ”莫雷尔说, “阁下,允许我告诉您我是谁,我多么爱瓦朗蒂娜小姐,以及我是怎样为她打算的。 ”
  • " most australian will realize , well , there are rules and it would be absolute chaos if every other country did what australia is proposing , " he noted . " it ' s ludicrous !
  • The harm of it is , that her father would hate me if he found i suffered her to enter your house ; and i am convinced you have a bad design in encouraging her to do so , i replied
    “害处是,如果她父亲发觉我竟允许她到你家来,就会恨我的我相信你鼓励她这样作是有恶毒的打算的。 ”我回答。
  • Thanks , in fact i have thanks planned to work to future until 40 years old and retire , then travel , or buy a house on the seashore , whenever the sun sets , are taking dog to take a walk , i think this is i in life
    谢谢,其实我是对将来有打算的~工作到40岁退休,然后去旅行,或者在海边买套房子,每当日落时,带着狗去散步,我认为这就是人生~ !
  • Nikolay did not by one word hint at the possibility now in case of prince andreys recovery of his engagement to natasha being renewed , but princess marya saw by his face that he knew and thought of it
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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  • 推荐英语阅读
打算的的英文翻译,打算的英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译打算的,打算的的英文意思,打算的的英文打算的 meaning in English打算的的英文打算的怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
