- show mercy; bestow favours; have mercy on; grant special favour to
- 开恩兹 cairns international airport
- 开恩狄本 caradoc dearborn
- 皮特开恩群岛 pitcairn islands
- 开俄斯岛的 chian
- 开舵 break bulk
- 开耳策 kel'tsy; kielce
- 开躲开 get out of the way
- 开耳芬 kelvin
- 开垛口 crenelation; crenellation
- 开耳芬电流秤 kelvin ampere balance
- 开多圆柱 open polydisk
- I would have no mercy , mr . rochester , if you supplicated for it with an eye like that
“要是你用那种目光来恳求,罗切斯特先生,那我不会开恩。 - [ bbe ] be pleased , o lord , to take me out of danger ; o lord , come quickly and give me help
耶和华阿,求你开恩搭救我。耶和华阿,求你速速帮助我。 - We need to know first that god is a gracious god and then , we know where to look for grace
先知道上帝是开恩的上帝,你的人生才有可能找到恩典的出路。 - " but surely your excellency will be so good as to inform me whom you are expecting to receive ?
“能不能请大人开恩,把您想请的那几位客人先告诉我? ” - Language : english is the official language , but a local polynesian dialect ( related to pitcairnese ) is also spoken
语言:英语是官方语言,同时使用皮特开恩语。 - Had she not fallen in george lucas ' good graces , she would have been yet another voiceless extra
如果不是乔治卢卡斯格外开恩,她会成为另一个没有台词的临时演员。 - But would uefa relent and make the 16th team liverpool if they beat milan tonight
但是如果今晚真的战胜米兰,欧足联是否会法外开恩使利物浦成为第16支直接进军小组赛的队伍呢? - May it please your majesty , said two , in a very humble tone , going down on one knee as he spoke , we were trying -
“陛下,愿你开恩, ”老二低声下气地跪下一条腿说, “我们正想” - Princess : i come to beg u to confess all and swear allegiance to the king that he may show u mercy
伊沙贝拉:我来这里求你,按照英王所想的认罪并且发誓效忠与他吧,这样或许他会对你开恩 - " when they were unable to repay , he graciously forgave them both . so which of them will love him more ?
路7 : 42因为他们无力偿还、债主就开恩免了他们两人的债。这两个人那一个更爱他呢。
- 开恩的日语:〈旧〉人に寛恕[かんじょ]を願ったり恩恵を請うときに用いる言葉. 请您开恩/どうかご容赦ください.どうかお慈悲を.
- 开恩的韩语:[동사]【겸양】 가엾이 여겨 용서해 주십시오. 자비를 베풀어 주십시오.
- 开恩的俄语:pinyin:kāiēn вежл. смилуйтесь, окажите милость...; не откажите...; будьте добры...
- 开恩什么意思:kāi ēn 请求人宽恕或施与恩惠的用语。