

  • on watch



  • 例句与用法
  • The watchman of ephraim was with my god : but the prophet is a snare of a fowler in all his ways , and hatred in the house of his god
    何9 : 8以法莲曾作我神守望的、至于先知、在他一切的道上作为捕鸟人的网罗、在他神的家中怀怨恨。
  • For there shall be a day , that the watchmen upon the mount ephraim shall cry , arise ye , and let us go up to zion unto the lord our god
  • The prophet , along with my god , is the watchman over ephraim , yet snares await him on all his paths , and hostility in the house of his god
  • The watchman called and told the king . and the king said , " if he is by himself there is good news in his mouth . " and he came nearer and nearer
    撒下18 : 25守望的人就大声告诉王。王说、他若独自来、必是报口信的。那人跑得渐渐近了。
  • So thou , o son of man , i have set thee a watchman unto the house of israel ; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth , and warn them from me
    结33 : 7人子阿、我照样立你作以色列家守望的人所以你要听我口中的话、替我警戒他们。
  • He did not go home immediately ; and under the tree where he kept his vigils he looked up at a window and murmured : " that date was with you , ruth
    他并没有立即回家他在一向守望的树下望着那扇窗户前南地说道: “那是跟你的约会,露丝。
  • " now as for you , son of man , i have appointed you a watchman for the house of israel ; so you will hear a message from my mouth and give them warning from me
    结33 : 7人子阿、我照样立你作以色列家守望的人所以你要听我口中的话、替我警戒他们。
  • The watchman reported , " he came even to them , and he did not return ; and the driving is like the driving of jehu the son of nimshi , for he drives furiously .
    王下9 : 20守望的人又说、他到了他们那里、也不回来车赶得甚猛、像宁示的孙子耶户的赶法。
  • There is great hate against the watchman of ephraim , the people of my god ; as for the prophet , there is a net in all his ways , and hate in the house of his god
  • The watchman said , " it seems to me that the first one runs like ahimaaz son of zadok . " " he ' s a good man , " the king said . " he comes with good news .
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