He was afraid that one day he would break down and be a purely meaningless bubble lapping round a darkness . 他担心有朝一日他会垮掉,成为废弃的流水在黑暗中潺潺流淌。
The lights in the village went out, house after house, till there only remained two in the darkness . 村子里的灯光一家挨一家地熄灭了,在黑暗中只剩下两所房子还亮着灯。
In its little receptacles there was radium visible at last, visible by its own light in the dark . 终于见到了装在小小容器里的镭,它自身的亮光使人们在黑暗中为见到了它。
It was true that the bear was not aflame when i saw him, but he seemed to glow in the dark . 当我看到那只熊时,正对,它是没有在燃烧发光、但是它在黑暗中似乎泛着燃烧后的红光呢。
With the night, st. peter's stood out in darkness, stood out in majestic profile against the splendour of heaven . 接着夜晚来临,圣彼得教堂耸立在黑暗中,以雄伟的轮廓陪衬天国的光辉。
I was lying between sleep and waking, my eyes wide open in the darkness, the sickness quite departed . 我正迷迷糊糊,似醒非醒地躺着,我在黑暗中睁大着眼睛,那时候,病痛已经消失大半。
Through the darkness, through that northern pine-walled silence, he blundered down to the lake-front and found a canoe . 他在黑暗中,在北方松林的静寂中跌跌撞撞地摸到湖畔,找到一条皮船。
Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors . 有时在黑暗中,我们听得见部队从窗下走过的声音,还有摩托牵引车拖着大炮经过的响声。
In the dark it was like summer lightning, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming . 在黑暗中,这情况真象夏天的闪电,只是夜里阴凉,可没有夏天风雨欲来前的那种感觉。
The pale moon dipped in and out of the strands of clouds so that juana walked in darkness for a moment and in light the next . 灰白的月亮在云层中时隐时现,使得胡安娜时而在黑暗中行走,时而在月光下前进。