

  • the only way out



  • 例句与用法
  • But windmills and atomic reactors are expensive , and the only way they can compete with fossil fuels is through subsidies or higher energy prices that reflect the full cost of emitting carbon
  • It just is the think - style of metaphysics which has being with us for long time forms this . heidegger thinks the only escape hatch of man is think . only when man learn think , technology will be real technology , and man will be genuine man
  • The concept of sustaiable development is first put forward in 1980s , and come into being the systemic notion in the late of that period . today , it has been the common knowledge of the only method to solve the problem of environment and development
    可持续发展这一概念是于本世纪80年代初最先提出的, 80年代后期逐步形成系统观念,今天它已作为解决环境与发展问题的唯一出路而成为世界各国的共识。
  • Surefootedness , innovation , being practical and realistic are the base of an enterprise s development . innovation is an important assurance for the development . we shall confidently face competition at home and abroad . it is a challenge , but more of an opportunity
  • Therefore it is pressing for these companies to carry out financial innovations , especially business innovations , which are not only a strategic plan but also a tactical pass . in addition , they are the only way out for the companies to meet challenges , shake off the predicament and develop ahead
  • In knowledge economy times , technology innovation plays an important role in enterprise and country economy development . it can increase product added value , improve rationalize structure , strengthen enterprise competition , eliminish market maturation , spur industrial upgrading and updating , and it is a only way to improve economy increasing quality , it is also a fundamental way to realize undeveloped country surpassing the early starters . in history , once technology innovation is appeared , it would bring huge example role in society . the enterprise who can not gain additional profit hope to share it ' s benefit . so can form colossal imtatioitation climax
  • Chapter one has mainly introduced the development of the market of chinese car , and the theory of satisfaction to customer has carried on the survey . foreign study on customer satisfaction deepen and not thorough quite already , customer satisfaction research to accompany by enterprise management idea transformation of weight and produce . the basic goal that enterprises exist is to pursue the maximization of the profit or maximization of enterprise ' s value , satisfied with the centre theory to develop from theory of centre of output value to the customer progressively , just because the customer is satisfied with the appearance of the centre theory , have produced customer ' s satisfactory research
    我国的汽车市场已经步入了高速发展的快车道,市场竞争空前激烈,产品同质化越来越高、可替代性越来越强、服务模式也日趋同一化,顾客的消费行为亦由感性阶段进入了理性阶段,在这样一个复杂、瞬息万变的市场激烈竞争中,单纯的产品策略、服务策略等营销手段无疑已经无法被顾客识别,而以“顾客为中心” ,不断提高顾客满意度、提升顾客忠诚度、培养独特的品牌已经成为了轿车企业突围的唯一出路
  • Therefore , must to carry on again adjustment and fix location to the strategy mode of industrialization of baotou . this is the conclusion of the thesis . it must combine baotou ' s real , pushes on the industrializational process and seniorization and modernize courses , it is only wayout to accomplish the baotou economy type realizing to stride across development
  • Knowledge - economy brings revolutionary significance and influence to modern management . ( 1 ) economy globalization brings great pressure to organizations ( enterprises ) ; ( 2 ) the knowledge - intensive industry has become the leading factor of modern economic increment and " knowledgenizing " will be the only way to sustain its status or to update it for traditional industry . ( 3 ) knowledge holds dominant status as absolute production factors in all factors , corresponding to this , the station of " knowledge - workers " is strengthened gradually in enterprise . ( 4 ) the fast - speed - development of information technique and the huge improvement of information - basic infrastructure provides difference to industrialization - age basic circumstances in nature for organization function
    知识经济对于现代管理产生了巨大的影响: ( 1 )经济全球化给组织(企业)产生了巨大压力; ( 2 )知识密集型产业成为现代经济增长的主导力量,而对传统产业来说“知识化”将是其维持现有地位或实现更新的唯一出路; ( 3 )知识作为一种独立的生产要素在各种要素投入中占据主导地位, “知识工人”在企业中的地位不断强化; ( 4 )信息技术的飞速发展,信息基础设施的极大改善,为组织运作提供了与工业化时代在本质上不同的基本环境。
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