Based on the dynamic frame of mm5 and reisner 2 explicit cloud scheme , a new double - moment microphysical scheme was developed , in which both the mixing ratios and number concentrations of cloud water , rain water , cloud ice , snow and graupel were predicted 从本质上说,该方案预报的仅仅是粒子的比含水量。在mm5动力框架内,在其中的reisner2方案基础上采用双变参数方案,增加了云水、雨水、雪和霰的数浓度预报方程。
This paper mainly researches the application of the active control technology to the landing gear system . the aim is using different control methods to design the active controller to improve the performance of the system , according to the characteristic of the parameters " variations 本文主要研究了主动控制技术在起落架缓冲器控制系统中的应用,针对缓冲器系统变参数的特点,运用不同的方法来对主动控制器进行了设计,达到了改善系统性能的目的。
At present , there is widely a class of nonlinear , badly delay and variable parameter complicated temperature object ( cto ) in the industries of electric power , metallurgy , petroleum and chemistry and architecture . putting effective control on it has been a attention and focus in control group 目前,在电力、冶金、石化、建材等许多行业的生产过程中广泛存在着一类非线性、大时延、变参数的复杂温度对象,对之进行有效的控制一直是控制界人士关注的焦点。
Heavy interference , changeable variables and load are the characteristics of film supply system and film receipt system . resolutions for these problems are emphasized in this paper . as usual , the effective method to solve the heavy interference in low frequency and the changeable load is compound control for disturbance compensation 供片、收片张力伺服系统具有变参数、变负载、强扰动的技术特点,解决这些问题是本论文的重点内容。通常情况下,在解决低频强扰动、变负载问题方面,最有效的方法是采用按扰动补偿的复合校正方式。
Three improvements were proposed . that is : coding the chromosome with floating point numbers , selecting different optimal strategy according to the electric dimension of the target , utilizing subsection varying parameter genetic algorithm to avoid trapping in premature convergence . the optimization time was saved significantly after adopting these methods 针对球面和半球面结构的雷达吸波材料优化设计时间长,提出三点改进方法:染色体采用浮点数编码;依据优化目标的电尺寸采用不同的优化策略;优化过程中采用分段变参数的优化方法。
There is difference frequency measurement requirement for every part of pid regulating , difference between dynamic quality and static quality in response time and accuracy . according to these , it use the interrupt functions and high - speed counter of the simens s7 - 200 plc cpu226 basic unit and some peripheral circuit to measure frequency ; in software designed , the procedure frame of hydraulic - turbine governor and disperse process of parallel pid are analyzed , an improved pid algorithm is adopted to realize a pid regulation mode with variable structure and parameters ; the mechanical liquid - pressure system of the hydraulic - turbine governor is with electric - hydraulic converter unit of step motor . according to the drive character of five phase of response step motor , a variable frequency regulated voltage driver unit is designed in order to realize interface between plc and driver of step motor 本文利用s7 - 200plc自身的特点设计了频率测量单元,根据pid调节各个环节的特点,以及调速器动态特性、静态特性对频率测量的实时性和精度要求的不同,利用s7 - 200plc基本单元中内置的高速计数器以及相应的外围放大整形、分频电路,实现了水轮发电机组频率的测量;在软件上,对微机调速器的整个程序框架、并联pid的离散化过程进行了分析,选用改进的pid算法实现了变参数、变结构的pid调节模式;调速器的机械液压随动系统具有步进电机电液转换元件,采用五相反应式步进电机,根据其驱动特性设计了变频调压驱动器,实现plc与步进电机驱动器之间数字接口。
In order to enhance the control quality for the dynamic system with multivarying , large inertia and varying parameters , the personifying intelligent control and it control strategy are introduced and the ball mill control in pulverized coal system as an object , and the implementation of the contract strategy of programmable controller is presented and real - time emulation 摘要为提高多变量、大惯性及变参数动态系统的控制质量,以制粉系统中钢球磨机控制为对象,介绍了仿人智能控制、控制方案以及用可编程控制器对控制方案的实施,并进行了实时仿真。
According to the characteristics of temperature control objects in heating medium and cooling system , designs the cascade control system applying the fuzzy control and feed - forward control , solves the problems of lag and variable parameter , and meets the demand of 0 . 1 t temperature control precision 针对热媒和冷却控制系统温度控制对象的特性,结合模糊控制和前馈控制设计了串级调节控制系统,在温度控制中较好地解决了大滞后、变参数的问题,满足了控温准确度0 . 1的要求。
The mostly work of this article is following : first : we compared the fuzzy control and pid control ( classical pid , the optimal pid , variable gain pid ) and made out the excellence and the disadvantage of them . then we explain the mamdani fuzzy controller and the variable gain pid controller in theory . second : we compared the fuzzy control and the optimal control , then explain the characteristics of them 本文的主要工作有:一、针对不同系统对模糊控制和pid控制(常规pid控制、最优pid控制、变参数pid控制)进行了比较,总结了各种控制方式针对不同系统的优缺点,并且在理论上对mamdani型模糊控制器和本文设计的变参数pid控制器作出了说明和探讨;二、对模糊控制和最优控制进行了比较和研究,说明了两种控制的特点;三、基于不同工况对模糊控制和自适应控制(自校正控制器)进行了比较,界定了它们的应用范围。
Coke oven is a complex plant with the characters of large time - delay , strong non - linear , multivariable coupling and changeable parameters . the dynamic process of the coke oven is driven by both continuous variables and discrete events . the mean flue temperature is affected by many reasons and it is difficult to control the temperature to required precision by the normal control methods 焦炉是具有大时滞、强非线性、多变量耦合、变参数的复杂对象,直行温度受多种因素的影响,焦炉生产过程既受连续时间信号驱动,又受离散事件信号驱动,采用常规的控制方法难以将直行温度控制到要求的精度范围内。