The brand new catamaran , new ferry lxxxvi , which the participants got on board in order to achieve the world record , is identical inside out with its twin new ferry lxxxv 今日86对?仔?女登上的高速双体船新轮捌拾陆与另外一艘?生船新轮捌拾伍,外形设备同出一辙,总造价超过港币1
Based on the linear superposition technique , a hydrodynamic mathematical model of the swath ship motion simulation with controllable fin in longitudinal irregular waves is developed 摘要在本文中,以一线性重叠法创建一数学模式,利用此模式来仿真一具可控制翼板之小水面双体船在不规则波之运动。
Based on the linear superposition technique , a hydrodynamic mathematical model of the swath ship motion simulation with controllable fin in longitudinal irregular waves is developed 摘要在本文中,以一线性重叠法建立一数学模式,利用此模式来模拟一具可控制翼板之小水面双体船在不规则波之运动。
To enhance ferry services quality , first ferry further acquired three new vessels in 2003 , first ferry ix , first ferry x and first ferry xi , the cost of each vessel is over hk $ 12 million 为进一步提升服务,新渡轮于2003年再次斥资港币3 , 600万元购置三艘全新高速双体船新辉玖、新辉拾、新辉拾壹。
Therefore the fuzzy control with self - tuning algorithm developed here can be regarded as an efficient tool for analyzing the performance of control fins of the swath ship in irregular waves 因此,本文所发展之自调式模糊控制逻辑,可视为小水面双体船控制翼在不规则波中操控运动性能的一项有效分析工具。