分期付款的买卖合同 contract for payment of goods by installment; contract for the payment of goods by i tallments; contract for the payment of goods by installments; contract for the payment of goods by instalments
The total value of the entire equipment will be reimbursed to you by installment in4 years 全部设备为部款项将采用四年期分期付款的办法偿付。
Meanwhile , the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers 同时,将讲述另外一个因素。分期付款的原因。是穷人变成消费者。
More than half of the automobiles , furniture , and household appliances are purchased on the installment plan 有一半以上的人用分期付款的方式购买汽车、家具和家用电器。
Employers choosing to pay by instalment are required to make their first payment before the visa label is issued in respect of the helper 选择分期付款的雇主须在佣工获发签证标签前缴付首期徵款。
13 . employers choosing to pay by instalment are required to make their first payment before the visa label is issued in respect of the helper 13 .选择分期付款的雇主须在佣工获发签证标签前缴付首期徵款。
He was of a clean , saving disposition , and had already paid a number of monthly instalments on two lots far out on the west side 他为人正直,生活节俭,在很远的芝加哥西区用分期付款的办法定购了两块地皮,已经付了几个月了。
Credit card companies make a profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their charges in monthly installments 信用卡公司向商店收取费用,以及向按月分期付款的客户收取费用,从而获得利润。
Some economists believe that selling goods and services to consumers on an installment plan is one of the major factors in making our high standard of living possible 一些经济学家认为,用分期付款的方式向客户销售商品和劳务是提高人们生活水平的一个重要因素。
To test whether the same would happen to its sales , the company sent 1 , 000 of its customers a catalogue containing the interest - free instalments offer 为了验证同样的情况是否会发生自己的销售上,这家礼品珠宝公司向其1000名顾客发送了一份提供分期付款的商品目录。
A team from the university of wollongong compared people whopaidfor a years gym mrship in advance to those who signed acontractbut paid by fortnightly salary deductions 伍伦贡大学的一个研究小组对两类健身会员进行了比较,一类是提前支付一年费用的会员,另一类则是办了一年制会员卡但可每两周分期付款的人。