

  • off-stream; off-the-line



  • 例句与用法
  • The code endows the seller with the right of stoppage in transit to the goods . when the buyer is insolvent or there is other events constituting a breach of contract , the seller may exercise his right of stoppage in transit to the goods in accordance with the code
    美国关于中途停运权的法律规定于《美国统一商法典》 ,该法典规定当买方无力支付以及有其他违约情事发生时,卖方可以依法行使他对货物的中途停运权。
  • A vendor who has shipped goods , and parted with the bill of lading has still a right , if he remains unpaid , to regain possession of the goods while they are in transit , in the event of the buyer becoming insolvent . this is called the right of stoppage in transit by sea
  • Only when the federal laws and the international conventions have no provisions in the contrary , the code will apply . england and the united states of america have different provisions on stoppage in transit . generally speaking , the validity of stoppage in transit under english law is much stronger than that under the law of the united slates of america
  • In other words , it adopts the principle of main prevention and planned examination to enhance the equipment reliability . in the water power station , whether mechanical equipments maintenance or electric equipments maintenance , the planned maintenance is adopted in the whole of maintenance in order to accomplish the production - reliability target for increasing economy benefit . the production - reliability target includes fof ( forced outage factor ) , eaf ( equivalent availability factor ) , po ( times of planned outage ) , uo ( times of unplanned outage ) etc
  • And the events leading to the invalidation of stoppage in transit under english law are less and comparatively more strict than those under the law of the united states of america . but under the law of the united slates of america , it is easier for the seller to exercise his right of stoppage in transit , not like english law under which the seller may exercise stoppage in transit only with the events such as that the buyer is insolvent , and the buyer constitutes a breach of contract , etc .
  • On the deep foundation that studies and understands thermaldynamic system of steam power plant , this text is to compare analytic theories and computation method constantly used at present on the economy of thermaldynamic system of steam power plant , calculate the influences on thermal economy with theory of equivalent enthalpy drop when high pressure heater is into stoppage , prove influences degree on thermal economy when the composition of heater stoppage is diffrent , define regenerator rate and offer theoretical direction for heater stoppage
  • The complete air - cooled control system has been realized by at89c52 microprocessor and icl7109 the integral adc which has high counter - interference capability . the main circuit uses non - contract solid module and has the characteristics of high speed switching off and avoiding contract burned to stop blower fan
  • The way of taking one nth out of capacitor ' s the first harmonic capacitive reactance as its nth harmonic impedance is verified whit the data from tang7c . according to the approximately estimating method , the first harmonic impedance of 220kv system is calculated . on the basis of the models , this paper gives the harmonic equivalent circuit of substation and gives the b ( n ) function of the harmonic time n . when the capacitors has different combination , b ( n ) ' s value will also change , with the inputting local measurement data , the paper studies the series and parallel resonance at the substation , and deduces that the reason the capacitor ' s fuse of tang6c is frequently interrupted is that its capacitor current contains a large number of 5th harmonics , and that the reason the discharging pt of tang7c capacitor being exploded is also that the 7th and 9th harmonic currents are amplified
    据此,对该站进行了串联谐振分析和并联谐振分析,并结合测试数据和有关变电站的运行记录,指出了导致该站电容器汤6c频繁烧保险的主要原因是5次谐波电流含量偏高,引起汤7c放电pt爆炸也是因为7次和9次谐波电流被放大。针对这些导致汤阴变电站补偿电容器故障的原因,提出了相应的谐波治理措施,包括针对汤6c电容器5次谐波电流含量偏高的原因,提出了停运汤6c电容器或者通过把汤sc电容器的部分容量并入汤6c电容器(汤sc其余部分停运)以增加汤6c谐波承受能力的措施;针对# 2变低压侧7次和9次谐波电流被放大的现象,提出了在汤7c电容器上加装一定百分比的串联电抗器的措施。
  • In the practical application of the real options method in ship investment in this article , i classified the diversified managerial flexibilities into several categories , and discussed three of them ( lay - up flexibility > quit flexibility and postponement flexibility ) chapter by chapter , established the frameworks and price models for corresponding real options ( annual operating option > abandonment option and waiting option ) , and computed the value of real option in the given examples
  • Under the condition that the document of title to the goods is issued , the buyer ' s acquisition of the document of title will not affect the seller ' s right of stoppage in transit . but if the buyer transfers the document of title to a third party and the transfer is for value and in good faith , the seller will forfeit his right to exercise stoppage in transit and may not exercise his right . if the carrier detains the goods because of the non - payment of the freight , the seller should firstly pay the freight to the carrier so that the basis for the carrier to exercise his right of lien on the goods will not be established , and then exercise his right of stoppage in transit
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