Supervisors often require detailed resource usage information to track and manage the workload of each resource 监督者常常需要资源使用状况的详细信息,以便跟踪并管理每项资源的工作量。
This enables the yankees to avoid using their inconsistent middle relief and get directly to joba chamberlain and mariano rivera 这让洋基可以避免使用状况不稳定的中继直接接用甲霸和李维拉。
Resource views include the resource sheet , the resource graph , the resource usage view , and resource forms 资源视图中包含“资源工作表” 、 “资源图表” 、 “资源使用状况”视图和资源窗体。
A combination view with the resource usage view in the top pane and the leveling gantt view in the bottom pane 一种复合视图,在上方窗格显示“资源使用状况”视图,在下方窗格显示“调配甘特图”视图。
To achieve optimal disk space use , this value should be close to 100 percent for an index that will not have many random inserts 为了使磁盘使用状况达到最优,对于没有很多随机插入的索引,此值应接近100 。
One example of a resource view is the resource usage view , which displays work allocations over time for each resource 譬如, “资源使用状况”视图就是资源视图之一,它显示每个资源以时间为单位的工作分配。
The vertical bar that separates the chart from the table or legend in the gantt chart , resource graph , and resource usage views “甘特图” 、 “资源图表”和“资源使用状况”视图中将表和图表分开的垂直条。
The room and equipment reservations application template helps teams manage the utilization of shared meeting rooms and equipment 会议室及器材预订应用程式范本可以帮助工作小组管理共用会议室和器材的使用状况。
Meanwhile , corpus investigation is still a more convincing way to describe and possibly explain how language is actually used by human beings 在此同时,语料库语言学仍旧是较为可靠的描述语言实际使用状况的工具。
For a smaller , more concrete example , let s consider the use of metering to track the use of a service for the purpose of customer billing 对于更小更具体的示例,不妨考虑一下使用计量来跟踪客户开票服务的使用状况。