1.(从事的活动) cause; undertaking 短语和例子
革命事业 revolutionary cause; 文化教育事业 cultural and educational undertakings 2.(非企业) enterprise; facilities 短语和例子
公用事业 public utilities; 集体福利事业 collective welfare facilities or services; 事业单位 institution; 事业费 operating expenses 事业心 devotion to one's work; dedication; enterprising spirit [initiative]
事业报 cause la; la cause事业部 ibsg; igs; sbu事业费 funds for public undertakings; operating expe e; operating expense事业家 enterpriser; entrepreneur事业区 working area事业史 history of career事业心 enterprise; entrepreneur spirit公共事业, 公用事业 public use公共事业;公用事业 public utilities公用事业,公共事业 public utility合办事业,共同事业 joint enterprise爱情与事业 the whole shebang败北(比赛)破产(事业) go to the wall, to保健事业 health services; public health work保险事业 insurance business; insurance service; insurance undertakings毕生的事业 life work; lifework毕生事业 entire career; lifework彪炳事业 brilliant, glorious achievement in history残疾人事业 programs to help the physically and mentally challenged崇高事业 noble cause; noble undertaking创办事业 business promotion; take on an enterprise; to build an enterprise; to undertake an enterprise慈善事业 act of charity; filantropica; philanthropy; works of mercy慈善事业的 philanthropic philanthropical从事业务 be engaged in business; do business事业,即使我们从来没有爱情,你都是有 cause even though we never made love, you were all that there was'事演 military exercise
Man after man spends himself in this case . 人们为此事业 前赴后继,鞠躬尽瘁。 He gave away most of his money to charity . 他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业 了。 He is forced to champion unpopular causes . 他被迫去支持一些不得人心的事业 。 Mel surmised his career might continue . 梅尔估计他的事业 可能会这样继续下去。 She has determined to make a go of her new career . 她决心在新事业 上有所成就。 Such philanthropy is encouraged by government . 这样的慈善事业 得到政府的鼓励。 Put one 's career , reputation , children first . 把事业 、名誉、儿女放在首位。 I will devote all my life to the cause of education . 我愿把毕生献给教育事业 。 There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers .事业 上没有高低贵贱之分。 Outside people tried to get control of this business . 局外之人想控制这项事业 。
事业的法语 :名 1.cause;œuvre伟大而光荣的~grande et glorieuse cause. 2.entreprise;service公用~utilité publique.事业的日语 :(1)事業. 和平事业/平和事業. 革命事业/革命事業. 文化事业/文化事業. 科学事业/科学事業. (2)(?企业 qǐyè )(生産による収入がなく,国家の経費でまかなわれ,採算にとらわれない)事業. 事业部门/事業部門. 事业单位/事業単位.事业的韩语 :[명사] (1)사업. 영업. 事业年度; 회계 연도 (2)비영리적 사회 활동. [영리적인 ‘企业’와 구별됨] 科学文化事业; 과학 문화 사업 教育事业; 교육 사업 (3)일정한 목표를 이루기 위해 수행하는 활동. 事业心; 사명감. 사업 실현을 위해 진력(盡力)하려는 마음 革命事业; 혁명 활동事业的俄语 :[shìyè] дело; занятие 事业单位 [shìyè dānwèi] — учреждение; организация 事业心 [shìyèxīn] — деловитость; деловой подход事业什么意思 :shìyè ①人所从事的,具有一定目标、规模和系统而对社会发展有影响的经常活动:革命~│科学文化~│~心强。 ②特指没有生产收入,由国家经费开支,不进行经济核算的事业(区别于‘企业’):~费│~单位。