be passionately devoted; a life-long and unfaltering devotion; be for gone in love with sb. or sth.; be head over heels in love; cherish a deep-seated affection for sb. or sth.; deeply attached (to sb.); fall deeply in love with
一往无前 press forward with indomitable will; advance courageously; carry all before one; go ahead boldly; go forward all the time; go straight with an indomitable spirit; never to stop advancing 这个军队有一往无前的精神。 this army has an indomitable spirit
This action put an end to our pursuit of the canoe , with the other savages , who were now gotten almost out of sight ; and it was happy for us that we did not ; for it blew so hard within two hours after , and before they could be gotten a quarter of their way , and continued blowing so hard all night , and that from the north - west , which was against them , that i could not suppose their boat could live , or that they ever reach d to their own coast 我看见这可怜的野人见到他父亲,见到他父亲已绝处逢生,竟流露出如此无限的孝心,简直欣喜若狂,我内心所受感动实难言表。不仅如此,在他们父子相逢之后,他那种一往情深,不能自禁的样子,我更是无法形容。只见他一会儿跳上小船,一会儿又跳下来,这样上上下下,不知折腾了多少趟。
Miss bingley was very deeply mortified by darcy s marriage ; but as she thought it advisable to retain the right of visiting at pemberley , she dropt all her resentment ; was fonder than ever of georgiana , almost as attentive to darcy as heretofore , and paid off every arrear of civility to elizabeth 达西结婚的时候,彬格莱小姐万分伤心,可是她又要在彭伯里保持作客的权利,因此便把多少怨气都打消了她比从前更喜爱乔治安娜,对达西好象依旧一往情深,又把以前对伊丽莎白失礼的地方加以弥补。
Martin is completely discouraged , felt thorough vanishing , he all processes all manuscripts finished , no longer writes a character , obtained uses for the royalty to subsidize he the blood sisters , laundry room partner tall egypt , as well as maintains one ' s moral integrity , the female beautiful and skilled alizarin red for him which is passionately devoted , then joins in the sea , commits suicide 马丁万念俱灰,感到彻底的幻灭,他把所有的稿件都处理完毕,不再写一个字,把版税所得用来资助他的亲姐妹、洗衣房伙伴乔埃,以及为他守身如玉,一往情深的女工丽茜,然后投身大海,了此一生。
Was not the gleaning of the grapes of ephraim better than the vintage of abi - ezer ? so spoke love renascent , preparing the way for tess s devoted outpouring , which was then just being forwarded to him by his father ; though owing to his distance inland it was to be a long time in reaching him 这样说来克莱尔是旧情萌发了,这也为苔丝一往情深的倾诉铺平了道路,就在那时候,他的父亲已经把苔丝写给他的信转寄去了不过因为他住在遥远的内地,这封信要很长时间才能寄到他的手上。
I think of the postmodern attitude as that of a man who loves a very cultivated woman and knows he cannot say to her , “ i love you madly ” , because he knows that she knows ( and that she knows that he knows ) that these words have already been written by barbara carland 我认为后现代主义的态度就像是,一位男士爱上一位有文化教养的女士,他知道他不能对她说我对你一往情深,因为他知道对方也知道(犹如对方也知道他知道) :这些话是芭芭拉、卡蓝写过的陈腔烂调。
一往情深的韩语:【성어】 정이 매우 깊어지다. 애정이 갈수록 두터워지다. 那位小姐对他真是一往情深; 그 아가씨는 그에게 정이 아주 깊다
一往情深什么意思:yī wǎng qíng shēn 【解释】指对人或对事物顷注了很深的感情,向往而不能克制。 【出处】南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“桓子野每闻清歌。辄唤奈何!谢公闻之曰:‘子野可谓一往有深情。’” 【拼音码】ywqs 【灯谜面】走亲 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含褒义 【英文】be head over heels in love