year n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl.〕年纪,年龄,岁数;〔pl.〕老年。 ★在表示岁数时, years 略去不说,如: He is five. 4.〔pl.〕多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代。 5.〔美俚〕= here. this [last, next] year 今[去,明]年。 the next year 次年,第二年,翌年。 every year 每年。 every other year 每隔一年,每二年。 Years bring wisdom. 年岁年岁增智增慧。 an astronomical [a solar, a natural, a tropical] year 太阳年。 the common year 平年。 the [a] leap year 闰年。 the year of grace [Christ, our Lord] 公元,耶稣纪元。 the fiscal year 会计年度。 the academic [school] year 学年。 old in years but young in vigour 年纪大但精力不衰。 He is young [old] for his years. 比年龄显得年轻[显得老]。 We had not met for years. 我们好几年没见面了。 a year and a day 【法律】满一年,一整年;〔戏谑语〕长时间。 all the year round 一年到头。 for years 好几年。 from year to year = year by year. in a year's time 经过一年。 in the year one 在公历元年;很久以前。 in years 上了年纪,年纪老;〔美国〕好几年。 of late years 近年。 over the years 长年累月。 the year round 〔美国〕= all the year round. year after year 一年一年地。 year by year 年年;逐年。 year in and year out 年年;不断地,始终,老是。
The souvenir sheet wo n ' t go on sale until 2005 . but each of lee ' s animal stamps have been sold annually at the beginning of each lunar year since the series began in 1992 with the year of the rooster , and 2004 wo n ' t be any different 该套小型张将于2005年正式发行,而李健文先生设计的每一张邮票,自从1992年“鸡年”开始,每年农历新年伊始就对外出售, 2004年也不会例外。
It includes " year of the rooster 2005 " zodiac sheetlet ( picture 1 ) issued by australia post , the " year of the rooster " souvenir sheet ( picture 2 ) issued by canada post and " year of the yiyou " presentation pack ( picture 3 ) issued by china post 包括由澳洲邮政发行的鸡年十二生肖小全张(图1 ) 、由加拿大邮政发行的鸡年小全张(图2 )及由中国邮政发行的乙酉年套摺(图3 ) 。
The lunar new year commemorative stamp souvenir sheet is a stunning compilation of the lunar new year stamps - from the year of the rooster 1992 through the year of the monkey to be issued jan . 13 , 2004 - displayed on a bed of bright orange 这套农历新年纪念邮票小型张背景为淡桔黄色,汇集了从“鸡年” 1992年发行到“猴年”将于2004年1月13日发行的所有农历生肖邮票,令人叹为观止。
The lunar new year commemorative stamp souvenir sheet is a stunning compilation of the lunar new year stamps - - from the year of the rooster ( 1992 ) through the year of the monkey ( to be issued jan . 13 , 2004 ) - - displayed on a bed of bright orange 这套农历新年纪念邮票小型张背景为淡桔黄色,汇集了从“鸡年” ( 1992年发行)到“猴年” (将于2004年1月13日发行)的所有农历生肖邮票,令人叹为观止。
The ten new sets of stamps will be released according to a carefully planned schedule at different times throughout the year , beginning on january 4th with the alphabet stamps series , followed by a traditional chinese new year issue entitled year of the rooster on january 30th 十套新邮票将于年内不同时间按序发行,率先推出的是一月四日发行的字母邮票,紧接著是一月三十日发行的传统贺年邮票岁次乙酉(鸡年)特别邮票。
This year , the year of the rooster , the community invited the supreme master ching hai international association to conduct a booth at the fair held on february 12 , 2005 as the organizers were already familiar with the association through various local quan yin tv and radio shows 同修的摊位设于人潮川流不息的大厅内,摊位上陈列的师父大法相,以及画作万岁灯等美不胜收的艺术创作,都备受来宾瞩目。一位男士非常赞赏典雅的万岁灯,询问是否可以请购。
On the same day , an official first day cover of the year of the rooster and an official souvenir cover of the gold and silver stamp issues will be put on sale at $ 1 . 00 each in all post offices . advance orders for servicing self - provided souvenir covers will be accepted at all post offices from 10 to 15 january 2005 岁次乙酉(鸡年)正式首日封及金银邮票小型张正式纪念封将于同日在各邮政局发售,每个售价一元,并于一月十日至十五日接受自制纪念封预订盖印服务。
To celebrate the coming of the chinese new year , today we present to you the sixth issue of our third zodiac series - a set of four special stamps for the year of the rooster . graded in tone , each of them has a richly coloured backdrop with the image of rooster appearing to stand out from the surrounding background 今次这套鸡年邮票已经是我们发行的贺岁生肖邮票中的第三辑第六套,一套四款的鸡年邮票,底色亮丽,层次分明,银色的枝叶,立体的公鸡造型,加上五色套印,营造出画框的效果,视觉上更为悦目。