I hear a nightingale warbling in a wood half a mile off ; no moving form is visible , no coming step audible ; but that perfume increases : i must flee 我看不见移动的身影,听不到走近的脚步声,但是那香气却越来越浓了。我得赶紧走掉。
He had had it conveyed to him , in an accidental touch of his wife s elbow as she knitted and warbled , that he would do best to answer , but always with brevity 他的妻子在打毛线和唱歌时仿佛偶然地碰了碰他的手肘,他明白那是暗示他最好还是回答,但要简短。
And so he warmed up and went warbling right along till he was actuly beginning to believe what he was saying him - self ; but pretty soon the new gentleman broke in , and says : " i ve thought of something 就这样,他越说越来劲,滔滔不绝地胡诌一通,到后来,说得连他自己也信以为真了不过,没有多久,那位刚来的老先生插话说: “我刚想到了一件事。
Even singing the national pastime and tv staple seems reserved for an interchangeable lineup of warbling coquettes husky crooners and jolly fellows in brass stars and epaulets belting out odes to red flags 即便是在国家娱乐活动及电视晚会的歌唱环节中,也总是看见一些换汤不换药的风尘女子沙哑的男低音和貌似愉悦的跟班,在军衔和铜制五星的簇拥下高歌红旗颂。
It consisted in a peculiar bird - like turn , a sort of liquid warble , produced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth at short intervals in the midst of the music - the reader probably remembers how to do it , if he has ever been a boy 这声音很特别,像小鸟的叫声,一种流畅而委婉的音调。在吹这个调子的时候,舌头断断续续地抵住口腔的上腭读者若曾经也是孩子的话,也许还记得该怎样吹这种口哨。
The subject seemed strangely chosen for an infant singer ; but i suppose the point of the exhibition lay in hearing the notes of love and jealousy warbled with the lisp of childhood ; and in very bad taste that point was : at least i thought so 我想宽敞的前房特别豪华。还有三楼的某些房间,虽然又暗又低,但从古色古香的气派看来,还是别有情趣的。一度归层次更底房间使用的家具,因为时尚的变更,逐渐搬到了这里。
Whoever had selected this retired portion of the grounds as the boundary of a walk , or as a place for meditation , was abundantly justified in the choice by the absence of all glare , the cool , refreshing shade , the screen it afforded from the scorching rays of the sun , that found no entrance there even during the burning days of hottest summer , the incessant and melodious warbling of birds , and the entire removal from either the noise of the street or the bustle of the mansion 总之,选择这个神秘的地点作为静居处是极有道理的,因为这儿可以躲避所有窥视的目光,有凉快爽神的树荫,茂密的枝叶象是一重天幕。即使在最炎热的夏季,遇到那火烧一般的日子,灼人的阳光一丝也进不来,鸟儿的婉转歌唱,街上和大厦里的喧嚣声都传不到这儿来。