
training and experience中文是什么意思

  • 训练与经验



  • 例句与用法
  • As at 31 march 2000 , the board consisted of a chairman and 10 deputy chairmen who have legal training and experience as well as 115 other members
    在2000年3月31日,委员会成员包括1名主席、 10名副主席及115名其他成员。主席及副主席均为曾受法律训练及具有法律经验的人士。
  • As at 31 march 2005 , the board consisted of a chairman and 9 deputy chairmen , who have legal training and experience , as well as 119 other members
    在2005年3月31日,委员会成员包括1名主席、 9名副主席及119名其他成员。主席及副主席均为曾受法律训练及具有法律经验的人士。
  • As at 31 march 2004 , the board consisted of a chairman and 10 deputy chairmen , who have legal training and experience , as well as 131 other members
    在2004年3月31日,委员会成员包括1名主席、 10名副主席及131名其他成员。主席及副主席均为曾受法律训练及具有法律经验的人士。
  • Value added sales is based on the idea that the sales professional uses his expertise , training and experience to make his product offering more valuable to the client
  • Specific research task and focus will be identified according to the researcher ' s view of language and linguistics , his / her research background , his / her academic training and experience and his / her research interests
  • Their training and experience have given them a deeper understanding of areas of individual and family development , emotional and psychological functioning , interpersonal relationships and dealing with struggles in life
  • The organization shall select and assign personnel to ensure that those whose activies impact the conformity of product and / or service are competent on the basis of applicable education , training and experience
  • Advanced trained and experienced in every aspect of engineering engineers provides advanced network environment , advanced equipment , excellent development technology to ensure every project going smoothly
  • The law provides that the board shall consist of a chairman and ten deputy chairmen , who shall be persons with legal training and experience , and not more than 150 other members , all of whom shall be appointed by the chief executive
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 推荐英语阅读
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