n. 嘟嘟〔喇叭、笛子等的声音〕;〔美国〕闹饮;庆祝。 vt. 吹(喇叭、笛子等),使嘟嘟叫。 vi. 吹喇叭[笛子]嘟嘟地叫;(松鸡等)叫。 Don't toot. 勿揿喇叭。 toot one's own horn 〔美口〕自夸,自傲。 toot the ringer [ding-dong] 〔美口〕按门铃。 n. 酒宴;痛饮。
tooth n. (pl. teeth) 1.牙齿。 2.齿状突出,轮齿,锯齿,耙齿(等)。 3.嗜好。 4.〔常 pl.〕(像牙齿那样能咬人的)威力,猛力,(正面)迎击。 5.〔海口〕 〔pl.〕船上的大炮。 a canine tooth 犬齿。 a false [an artificial] tooth 假牙。 a milk tooth 乳牙。 a molar tooth 臼齿。 a wisdom tooth智齿。 I have a sweet tooth . 我喜欢吃甜东西。 the tooth of the wind 风的威力。 armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿,全副武装。 between the teeth 低声地。 cast [throw] sth. in sb.'s teeth (引用某事)遣责某人。 clench one's teeth=set one's teeth. cut a tooth 出牙齿。 cut one's wisdom teeth (eyeteeth) 开始懂事。 draw [pull] sb.'s teeth 消除某人不平[烦恼]的根由;拔除某人的爪牙(使无能为害)。 escape by [with] the skin of one's teeth 〔口语〕幸免于难。 from one's teeth=from the teeth outwards [forwards] 怀恨在心地,无诚意的。 grind one's teeth 咬牙切齿;生闷气。 have a great tooth for (fruit) 很爱吃(水果)。 in spite of sb.'s teeth 不顾某人反对。 in the teeth 反抗;公然。 in the teeth of 不管,不顾;冒着…;正面受着…。 long in the tooth 年纪大 (She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl. 她扮演少女的角色年龄太大了一点)。 lose a handful of teeth 〔美拳击〕下巴受猛击。 put teeth in [into] a new law 给与新法律的强制性威力。 set one's teeth 咬紧牙关,拼命忍耐。 set sb.'s tooth on edge 使牙齿发酥[发涩],使腻烦[恼怒]。 show one's teeth 张牙露齿,怒视,威吓。 to sb.'s teeth 当面,大胆地。 tooth and nail 拼命(战斗、反对等)(They fought tooth and nail but lost. 他们竭尽全力拼搏,结果还是输了)。 vt. 使具齿状;给…装牙齿;刻齿,锉齿(在锯条上等);(用牙齿)咬(住)。 vi. (齿轮等)咬合。 n. -ful 〔俚语〕(白兰地酒等的)一滴,一点点,一小口。 adj. -less 没有牙齿的;无力的。
When the collecting process is over or pauses . ca100 will toot to prompt to draw the management card 数据采集完毕或暂停后, ca100发出“嘀嘀”声,提示取出管理卡。
" enjoy new year ' s eve a second longer , " the institute said in an explanatory notice . " you can toot your horn an extra second this year . 该协会在一个通告里解释说: “新年前夜的庆祝将多出一秒。辞旧迎新的喇叭声也将延长一秒。 ”
Up the drive she came , tooting up the incline , then sweeping round the oval of grass , where the two great wild beech - trees stood , on the flat in front of the house 响着喇叭,沿着马路驶了上来,然后绕着屋前面的有两株山毛榉树的那块椭圆形的草坪。
Catherine collins , chief nutritionist at st george ' s hospital in tooting , south - west london , said she was not surprised the fats could drastically reduce fertility 来自伦敦西南tooting的圣乔治医院的catherinecollins说,她对脂肪能强烈地降低生育能力一点也不感到吃惊。
During the development of the electronic drawing system , i employed microsoft corp . visual source safe to manage source code , whitch isis an advanced source code control toot 作为一个完整的软件系统的开发,我们采用了最新的版本管理工具visualsourcesafe进行了源代码的管理。
“ this is a real opportunity to toot your own horn . do not brag or get too egotistical , but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths 这是你“展示自己”的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。
Horn : toot hullabaloo , cry to be not done only , or much cry and little wool , with those " say less to be done more " doer photograph is compared , lose a chance more easily in competition 喇叭型:呜哩哇啦,只喊不做,或雷声大雨点小,同那些“少说多做”的实干家相比,在竞争中更轻易失去机会。
At their music stands the orchestra were tuning their instruments amid a delicate trilling of flutes , a stifled tooting of horns , a singing of violin notes , which floated forth amid the increasing uproar of voices 乐师们对着乐谱架调整乐器的音色,笛子的轻快颤音,法国号的低沉呼鸣,小提琴的悦耳奏音交织在一起,在越来越高的嘈杂人声上空荡漾。
Last year ' s message from the queen was given the podcast treatment , but tomorrow ' s live address to the nation could see millions all over the world tuning in to find out it if the royal family has had an annus horribilis or a hooting tooting 2007 女王去年的讲话曾在播客上播放,但是明天对全国的现场讲话将使得全世界数百万人发现皇室的2007年是糟糕的还是热闹的。
We have observed the following characteristics of anatomical structure and development : ( 1 ) the primary roots belong to archetype and the lateral roots occur in the position toward the xylem of the vascular cylinder ; ( 2 ) the root endodermis consists of thicken casparian strips , and there are from two lo four layers parenchyma cells near the pericycle ; ( 3 ) the pith and resins canals are absent in the toots ; ( 4 ) secondary structure occurs in the root hair zone , and vascular cambium is formed from the parenchyma cells between the primary xylem and primary phloem ; ( 5 ) tanning materials are abundant in pericycle cells and phelloderm cells ; ( 6 ) sclereids are found in secondary phloem , and rays are rather rich in secondary xylem 结果表明:气生不定根具有以下结构特征和发育特点: ( 1 )根为二原型,侧根正对着木质部发生; ( 2 )幼根内皮层细胞具凯氏带加厚,维管柱内紧挨中柱鞘内侧具有2 ~ 4层大型薄壁细胞; ( 2 )根中无髓和树脂道; ( 4 )次生结构发生于根毛区,维管形成层由初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞转化形成; ( 5 )中柱鞘和栓内层细胞富含单宁类物质; ( 6 )次生韧皮部有石细胞,次生木质部射线发达。
make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared" 同义词:honk, blare, beep, claxon,
tootとは意味:1toot n. 吹き鳴らすこと; 警笛. 【動詞+】 ◆The driver gave a couple of toots on the horn. 運転手は 2 回クラクションを鳴らした ◆Can I have a little toot on your flute? 《口語》 フルートをちょっと吹いてみていいかね. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a loud toot 音高く吹き鳴らすこと. 【+前...