extreme adj. 1.极端的;过激的 (opp. moderate)。 2.极限的,非常的。 3.尽头的,末端的。 4.〔古语〕最后的,临终的。 the extreme end of a rope 绳索的末端。 extreme measures 极端手段。 extreme old age 极高龄。 an extreme case 极端的例子。 extreme unction 【天主教】临终涂油礼。 extreme value 【数学】极值。 in one's extreme moments 临终时刻。 the extreme hour of life 临终。 the extreme lefts 极左派。 the extreme penalty (of law) 极刑。 n. 1.极端;末端。 2.〔pl.〕两极端。 3.〔pl.〕困境。 4.【数学】极限值,外项;【逻辑学】(三段论法结论中的)小词或大词 〔cf. middle〕。 the extremes of fortune 盛衰荣枯。 be in extremes 处困境。 Extremes meet. 两极相通,物极必反。 go from one extreme to the other 从一个极端转到另一个极端。 go to extremes =run to an extreme 走极端。 go to the extreme of 采用…的极端手段。 in (the) extreme 极端,非常,很。 n. -ness
I have , time and again , said in the public that we will be flexible to the extreme and equally rigid to the extreme if it needs to be 我在公开场合一再说我们有极度的灵活性,同时我也有极度坚强的原则性,如果需要的话。
Second , since the radius vectors r to the extreme points of the ellipse satisfy ( 5 . 3 - 12 ) they are parallel to the two allowed d vectors 其次,因为到椭圆极值点的径向矢量r满足式( 5 3 - 12 ) ,故这两个径向矢量与两个允许的d矢量平行。
In so becoming emphasized to the extreme , the dark appear larger than they should , and in so doing , do what darkness knows how to do 在变得如此强调极性后,黑暗比他们能做的显得更巨大,而当如此做中,只是做着黑暗所知道做的那些事。
The wave principle is a catalog of the ways that the crowd goes from the extreme point of pessimism at the bottom to the extreme point of optimism at the top 波浪理论是人们情绪由市场处于底部时极度悲观向市场顶部时极端乐观变化的一系列轨迹。
They had been provoked to the extreme ; a later trial found only two of them guilty of manslaughter ( not willful murder ) and they were branded on the hand ( . ) 英国士兵被激怒到了极点;事后的审判裁定只有其中两个士兵犯了过失杀人罪(非蓄意谋杀)而且在他们手上烙印(注:一种刑罚) 。
Occupying an area of 244 , 820 square kilometers , britain is just under 1 , 000 km long from the south coast to the extreme north of scotland and just under 500 km across in its widest part 英国国土面积244 , 820平方公里,南海岸到苏格兰的最北部只有不到1 , 000公里窄,东西宽不到500公里。
As they reached the shore , the count instinctively shrunk to the extreme end of the boat , and the owner was obliged to call out , in his sweetest tone of voice , " sir , we are at the landing . 当他们抵岸的时候,伯爵不由自主地退到船尾,船夫不得不用迫切催促的口气说: “先生,我们到岸啦。 ”
Reputation is achieved in the process of pushing myself to the extreme and the realization of my individual goals ; meanwhile , the pursuit of honor relies on the revelation my own value in collectivity 荣誉在对自身超越、个体目标的不断实现的过程中获得;而对荣耀的追求则基于在集体中实现自身的价值。
As an excellent work with ford “ kinetic design ” concept , the car shows its irresistible attraction with its fine art , subtle design and leading technology , which are all developed to the extreme 作为把福特欧洲“动感设计”理念体现得淋漓尽致的扛鼎之作,福特蒙迪欧-致胜精湛的工艺、精致的设计和领先的科技,均发挥到极致。