
to the extreme中文是什么意思

  • 极度地, 非常地
  • 走向极端



  • 例句与用法
  • I have , time and again , said in the public that we will be flexible to the extreme and equally rigid to the extreme if it needs to be
  • Second , since the radius vectors r to the extreme points of the ellipse satisfy ( 5 . 3 - 12 ) they are parallel to the two allowed d vectors
    其次,因为到椭圆极值点的径向矢量r满足式( 5 3 - 12 ) ,故这两个径向矢量与两个允许的d矢量平行。
  • In so becoming emphasized to the extreme , the dark appear larger than they should , and in so doing , do what darkness knows how to do
  • The wave principle is a catalog of the ways that the crowd goes from the extreme point of pessimism at the bottom to the extreme point of optimism at the top
  • They had been provoked to the extreme ; a later trial found only two of them guilty of manslaughter ( not willful murder ) and they were branded on the hand ( . )
    英国士兵被激怒到了极点;事后的审判裁定只有其中两个士兵犯了过失杀人罪(非蓄意谋杀)而且在他们手上烙印(注:一种刑罚) 。
  • Occupying an area of 244 , 820 square kilometers , britain is just under 1 , 000 km long from the south coast to the extreme north of scotland and just under 500 km across in its widest part
    英国国土面积244 , 820平方公里,南海岸到苏格兰的最北部只有不到1 , 000公里窄,东西宽不到500公里。
  • As they reached the shore , the count instinctively shrunk to the extreme end of the boat , and the owner was obliged to call out , in his sweetest tone of voice , " sir , we are at the landing .
    当他们抵岸的时候,伯爵不由自主地退到船尾,船夫不得不用迫切催促的口气说: “先生,我们到岸啦。 ”
  • Reputation is achieved in the process of pushing myself to the extreme and the realization of my individual goals ; meanwhile , the pursuit of honor relies on the revelation my own value in collectivity
  • As an excellent work with ford “ kinetic design ” concept , the car shows its irresistible attraction with its fine art , subtle design and leading technology , which are all developed to the extreme
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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