storage n. 1.贮藏(量),存储(量);(仓库)保管;库容量。 2.栈房,仓库,贮藏所。 3.栈租,栈费。 4.贮存器。 5.【电学】蓄电(瓶)。 6.【自动化】(计算机的)存储(器);记忆。 cold storage 冷藏。 a locker storage 密闭仓。 a storage dam 蓄洪堰。 Pork and mutton should be kept in cold storage. 猪羊肉应该冷藏。 The reservoir has in storage about five million cubic metres. 这水库有五百万立方米的储存量。 500 bales of cotton are in storage. 库内存有五百包棉花。
Performance & optimization manager is key component of san storage resource management system . it is used to execute performance surveillance , performance analysis and overload balance of storage subsystem in shared storage architecture , ensure storage subsystem in order and develop the potential of storage resource so as to enhance the performance of total shared storage architecture 性能监视和优化服务是san存储资源管理的重要组成部分,它主要用于san共享存储体系中存储子系统的实时监控、性能分析、均衡负载,保证存储子系统的正常工作,挖掘存储资源潜力,进而提高共享存储体系的整体性能。