
social foundation中文是什么意思

  • 社会基础



  • 例句与用法
  • Game theory model proves that the optimal policy of individual is to cooperate with society . the result implies that culture can rate social utility scale . it lays the social foundation for inter - personal utility comparing
  • This article bases on the general sense of information analyses the conception and features of information , the recognition , technology , economy , social foundation of economy informationization , discusses the trend of present economy informationization
  • Through the discussion on human natures like kindness , evilness , rationality , and irrationality , one aspect of the very important social foundations of law upon which law and its implementation base is revealed and what values the human nature contributes to law are discovered
  • Family education is an extraordinary flower perfuming in the chinese ancient education development history . her deep social foundation and strong living - power make chinese traditional theory can be toughly , completely saved and continued although it had been deprecated for several times
  • Secondly , analyzes the legitimacy of the commercialization of right to personality , which must obtain the support of legitimacy , is analyzed from social foundation , theoretical basis , legal basis and economical effect and demonstrated the legitimacy of establish of the commercialization of right to personality
  • This article attempts to explore the reform trends of the grass - roots self management system of urban residents by reviewing the innovation phases in this scope from 1996 to 2003 , and to reflect on the momentum of institutional innovation by examining the endoglossic conflict between orientation of institution and its social foundation
  • Although the progress , the phases and the emphases of the all countries public utilities development are different , the courses and the focus are the same alike . most scholars are concerned with the problems such as natural monopoly , regulation , structure , conduct , management , governance , investment , and etc . in western countries , the theories of public utilities have its special social foundation . our utilities are different from the west
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social foundation的中文翻译,social foundation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译social foundation,social foundation的中文意思,social foundation的中文social foundation in Chinesesocial foundation的中文social foundation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
