foundation n. 1.建设,创设,创立。 2.基础,根本;根据;地基,地脚。 3.基金;捐款;用捐款创办的事业;慈善机关;财团,基金会。 4.(编织品的)模型;(衣服的)衬里;帽心。 a stone foundation 石基。 a frame foundation 【机械工程】架座,机架,地脚。 be on the foundation 由基金维持。 lay the foundation for [of] 给…打下基础。 strike at the foundation [root] of sth. 要毁灭某事物。 without foundation 无根据的。 adj. -al 基本的,基础的。 -er 〔英国〕公费生。 adj. -less
Game theory model proves that the optimal policy of individual is to cooperate with society . the result implies that culture can rate social utility scale . it lays the social foundation for inter - personal utility comparing 文化经济学的博弈模型证明了个体的最优策略是选择与社会合作,从而表明了文化对效用等级的排序,也间接提供了人际效用比较的社会基础。
This article bases on the general sense of information analyses the conception and features of information , the recognition , technology , economy , social foundation of economy informationization , discusses the trend of present economy informationization 本文从信息的基本概念入手,分析了信息的含义与特点,分析了经济信息化的认识基础、技术基础、经济基础、社会基础,研究了当代经济信息化的趋势。
Through the discussion on human natures like kindness , evilness , rationality , and irrationality , one aspect of the very important social foundations of law upon which law and its implementation base is revealed and what values the human nature contributes to law are discovered 摘要通过对人性善、恶,理性、非理性的探讨,揭示法律的社会基础中一个非常重要的方面,即作为法律产生和运行的基础,人性在法律上有着怎样的价值。
Family education is an extraordinary flower perfuming in the chinese ancient education development history . her deep social foundation and strong living - power make chinese traditional theory can be toughly , completely saved and continued although it had been deprecated for several times 家庭教育是中国古代教育发展史上一朵异常灿烂的教育奇葩,她深厚的社会基础和强大的生命力,使得中国传统学说虽几遭毁誉而仍能够顽强、完整的保存绵延下来。
Secondly , analyzes the legitimacy of the commercialization of right to personality , which must obtain the support of legitimacy , is analyzed from social foundation , theoretical basis , legal basis and economical effect and demonstrated the legitimacy of establish of the commercialization of right to personality 其次,文章对人格权商品化的正当性进行了分析。人格权商品化必须获得正当性的支持,为此文章从社会基础、理论基础、经济效应、法律依据等角度进行了分析,论证了人格权商品化确立的正当性。
This article attempts to explore the reform trends of the grass - roots self management system of urban residents by reviewing the innovation phases in this scope from 1996 to 2003 , and to reflect on the momentum of institutional innovation by examining the endoglossic conflict between orientation of institution and its social foundation 但是,由于这场制度变革的内在推动力来源于国家而非居民自身,因此,现有的制度创新不可避免地在国家所作的制度定位和制度所需的社会基础之间面临张力,其最终绩效取决于我们能否实现制度变革驱动力的转换。
Although the progress , the phases and the emphases of the all countries public utilities development are different , the courses and the focus are the same alike . most scholars are concerned with the problems such as natural monopoly , regulation , structure , conduct , management , governance , investment , and etc . in western countries , the theories of public utilities have its special social foundation . our utilities are different from the west 各国公用事业发展的进程不同,对公用事业的研究阶段、重点也不尽相同,但研究的大致脉络和重点是相似的,主要是以提高经济效率为中心,围绕公用事业的自然垄断性问题、政府规制问题、结构行为问题、运营机制问题、治理结构问题、投融资体制问题等层层展开。