vt. 推,推动,推进;使劲猛推;推开;卖掉;〔口语〕乱放,乱塞。 vi. 推,推进,推出;推挤。 Don't shove wait your turn. 别推,顺次等候好了。 S- it in your pocket. 把它放在你的口袋里。 shove across 〔美国〕杀。 shove along 推着走。 shove in 推进。 shove off (拿篙子)把船撑开;〔美俚〕乘船离开;分别,走掉。 shove on 推着往前走。 shove one's clothes on 〔口语〕穿上衣服。 shove out (拿篙子)把船撑开。 shove past 推开…往前走。 shove publicity 〔美运〕指挥宣传。 shove the queer (美)付给伪币。 n. 推,推出,推开;【地质学;地理学】走向滑移。
Captain warfield gave in, but as the boat shoved off he stood up in the sternsheets and shook his fist ashore . 沃菲尔德船长让步了,可是当他们的小艇离岸时,他从尾座上站起身,又朝岸上晃晃拳头。
He strikes a most noble attitude, with one leg shoved forward, and his arms stretched away up, and head tilted back, looking up at the sky… 他摆出一副非常神气的姿势,把一条腿迈到前面,两只胳膊往上伸开,头往后仰,眼望着天。
So can you shut up and shove the bottle up yours 你能不能管好自己少嚎叫几声?
So can you shut up and shove the bottle up yours 你能不能管好自己少嚎叫几声?
J : i shoved him . he fell and scraped his knee 我推了他,他摔倒了,磕破了膝盖。
I shoved him , we took a few swings at each other 我推开他,我们互相扭打起来。
She shoved the dictionary across the desk to him 她把辞典推到书桌的另一边给他。
When i give the command , everybody shove out together 我一声令下,大家一起开船!
They shoved the papers hurriedly in a drawer 他们匆匆忙忙地把文件塞进了抽屉。
So what do you do ? you shove 25 of them up there 而你怎么做的?你吸了25粒在里面
the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something); "he gave the door a shove"
push roughly; "the people pushed and shoved to get in line"
come into rough contact with while moving; "The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train" 同义词:jostle,
press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand" 同义词:thrust, stuff, squeeze,
shoveとは意味:1shove n. 押すこと, 突くこと. 【動詞+】 ◆I got a shove from behind. 背後から押された get the shove 《英口語》 くびになる ◆give (…) a shove (…を)押す, ひと押しする I gave the boat a shove and it moved out into the stream. ボートをひと押しすると, それは...